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Home > Colorful Guizhou

Expressway-marked Flatlands

Updated:2021-12-16 | By: Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Expressway-marked Flatlands

Guizhou has typical karst landforms. It is the only province in China that has no flatlands, but high mountains, deep valleys and wide elevation differences. Inadequate transportation had been impeding the province's economic and social development, but the creation of an expressway network changed everything. Mountainous Guizhou seems to have been turned into a province of flatlands.

In December 2001, Guizhou saw the first ever expressway - 50.9 kilometer Kaili-Majiang Expressway put into service. At the end of 2015, Guizhou was the first province in western China to give every county access to expressways whose total length stood at 5,128 kilometers. As of the end of 2020, the length of expressways open to traffic across the province reached 7,607 kilometers and its expressway network density was among the country's top levels.




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