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Home > Colorful Guizhou

Guizhou Model

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Guizhou Model

Guizhou was one of the main battlefields in China's fight against poverty. Sixty-six of the province's 88 counties were impoverished and about one-tenth of the country's impoverished population were in this province. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and the Guizhou Provincial Government have embraced the people-centered poverty alleviation philosophy proposed by President Xi Jinping, adopting a targeted approach to poverty alleviation and seeking to increase people's confidence and enrich their knowledge in the process. All sectors of society were involved, and diverse paths were pursued in the province's poverty reduction endeavor. Thanks to a host of targeted and effective measures, 9.23 million impoverished people across the province were all lifted out of poverty, turning Guizhou from the province with the largest impoverished population to the best performing province in poverty reduction in the country. Guizhou has offered a model in the fight against poverty.

The reduction in Guizhou's impoverished population between 2012 and 2020 is even greater than that achieved over the past few decades. The total number of people lifted out of poverty in the province is equal to the combined impoverished population of Yemen, Iraq, Angola, South Africa, and Zambia.

In the fight against poverty, Guizhou relocated the impoverished from inhospitable areas to places with better economic prospects, the largest of such campaigns in the country. In a span of more than four years, 1.92 million people were relocated, 949 resettlement projects were built to offer 465,000 units of housing, and 907,700 relocated people were provided with employment, which means at least one person per household had a job. The large-scale relocation campaign, which was completed with such a high efficiency, is a remarkable feat in China's history of internal migration.





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