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Home > National Defense and Military Development

The CPC's Absolute Leadership over the People's Armed Forces

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

The CPC's Absolute Leadership over the People's Armed Forces

Ensuring the Party's absolute leadership over the military means ensuring that the military always remains absolutely loyal to the Party, and is completely and unconditionally placed under the Party's leadership. The Party's leadership over the military is a fundamental characteristic of Chinese socialism. It represents one of the greatest strengths of the Party and the nation, and underpins an effort to build a strong military.  

The people's armed forces were created by the Party. Ever since its founding, it has been under the Party's leadership. The principle of the Party's leadership over the military originated from the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, developed during the Sanwan Reorganization of the same year, and was confirmed at the Gutian Meeting in 1929. 

It has been enriched over the long years and developed into an institutional framework which ensures that the command and control of the armed forces resides with the CPC Central Committee and the CMC - the latter is under the direction of its chairperson. It is implemented through Party committees, political commissars, and specialized political staff in the military. It requires the presence of Party organizations in each military unit at or above the company level to ensure the Party's leadership, which is exercised by Party committees through a collective decision-making process. 

At its 19th National Congress, the CPC reiterated the Party's absolute leadership over the military as fundamental for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. 




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