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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Troops with Ironclad Faith, Conviction, Discipline, and Commitment

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

Troops with Ironclad Faith, Conviction, Discipline, and Commitment

While inspecting the PLA Army (PLAA) troops in January 2016, Xi Jinping called for building ironclad troops with an unshakeable faith in Marxism, a strong conviction in the socialist and communist cause, strict discipline, and a firm commitment to their duties. 

An ironclad faith in Marxism ensures that the military is placed under the absolute leadership of the Party, and that it aligns all its activities, whether ideological, political or operational, with the objectives of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC, and obeys orders from the Party Central Committee and the CMC at all times and under any circumstances. 

An ironclad conviction in the socialist and communist cause means unwavering support for socialism with Chinese characteristics and an unwavering determination to do whatever is necessary to pursue the Party's objectives. 

An ironclad discipline entails respect for law-based governance and exercise of strict Party and military rules. It also requires promoting political ethics, rooting out corruption, strengthening military-civilian relations, and developing a strong work ethic and personal integrity. 

An ironclad commitment to defending national sovereignty, security, and development interests enables the armed forces to be ready and able to fight and win wars, bearing in mind that their mission is to provide reliable support for the realization of the Chinese Dream of national renewal.   



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