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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Enforcement of Ethical Standards and Anti-Corruption Measures

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

Enforcement of Ethical Standards and Anti-Corruption Measures

Corruption saps morale and erodes military capability. It runs counter to the military's objectives, and harms its functions. As a fighting force, the military should not be a place where corruption thrives. 

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, a series of anti-corruption measures have been rolled out under the leadership of Xi Jinping in the military, resulting in the removal of some high-ranking officers found to have committed serious violations, including Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Fang Fenghui, and Zhang Yang. 

In addition to measures to punish corruption in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, efforts are also underway to reform processes by which major construction projects and procurement plans are implemented with a focus on scrutiny and accountability to curtail and combat any irregularities. A network of focal points is now in place to monitor the enforcement of ethical standards at primary-level units and help stamp out any "micro corruption" and misconducts among service members. 

Other moves include more inspections and strengthened oversight, especially inspections, and re-inspections over all CMC functional organs, theater commands, services, military academies and universities, and the People's Armed Police Force (PAP), and ad hoc inspections as part of special enforcement campaigns. 

Auditing will be conducted in all areas, especially with regard to major projects and where large sums of money are involved. Ranking officers will be subject to rigorous financial audits. Auditing will cover budget performance. In some cases, it can cover entire budgeting cycles or project life cycles. Audits can be performed jointly by military and civilian auditors. The anti-corruption campaign has secured an overwhelming victory, and a healthy political ethics ecosystem has emerged.




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