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Home > National Defense and Military Development

Strong Military-Civil Bond

Updated:2021-11-05 | By:China.org.cn

Strong Military-Civil Bond

Strong military-civil bond is a time-honored tradition and the military's unique strength developed over the long years of revolution and development. It entails the persistent connection between the CPC-led military and the people. Mao Zedong once said, "When the military and the people are united as one, they are unrivaled." Addressing the plenary meeting of the PLA delegates to the first session of the 12th NPC on March 11, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out that intensified military-civil relations provided indispensable support for efforts to build a strong country and a strong military. 

The military-civil bond unfolds in two mutually reinforcing aspects. First, the military fulfils its duties to protect and serve - and never harm - the people's interests, and cooperates with local governments. Second, local governments and the public support and respect the military and give preferential treatment to families of service members. A notable example of such relationship is the participation of 5.4 million civilians in supporting the PLA's Huaihai Campaign (1948-1949) during the War of Liberation. Our military always stands with our people. Together, we have responded to natural disasters, such as the devastating floods of 1998 and the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Together, we have fought the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Together, we have forged ahead with the development program for western regions and anti-poverty campaigns. 

History shows that with rock-solid military-civil relations there will be no insurmountable hurdles, and nothing will stop us going from victory to victory. 




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