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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Holistic Approaches to Poverty Elimination

Updated:2021-01-14 | By:China.org.cn



例如,在政策層面,《中共中央 國務院關于打贏脫貧攻堅戰的決定》提出,實施健康扶貧工程,保障貧困人口享有基本醫療衛生服務,努力防止因病致貧、因病返貧。就是通過綜合施策,形成政策合力,突出問題導向,實施精準扶貧,有效防止因病致貧返貧。

Holistic Approaches to Poverty Elimination

When talking to local people during his visit to Qinghai Province in August 2016, Xi Jinping reiterated the importance of targeted poverty elimination and earnest efforts to deliver assistance to those in need. He stressed the synergy of different policies and channels. Efforts should be made to improve local living environment, raise the local living standard, and enhance people's ability to work, and follow-up plans and measures are also needed to sustain the results of poverty elimination. These views highlight holistic approaches and whole-process control to realize multiple goals in poverty elimination, and strict review to ensure enforcement of relevant policies.

In accordance with the Decision on Winning the Battle Against Poverty, China will carry out poverty relief projects through better healthcare. Impoverished people will have access to basic medical services, and efforts will be made to prevent them from slipping back into poverty because of illness. 

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