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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Targeted Measures for Each Household

Updated:2021-01-14 | By:China.org.cn




Targeted Measures for Each Household

"Targeted" is the core nature of all the measures designed for poverty elimination and their implementation. Real efforts are needed in targeted policy-making and in delivering real results in policy implementation.

Regarding the question of "who needs help," accurate information is to be obtained about the poor, their conditions and the root causes of their problems, so that targeted policies can be tailored for different households and individuals in need.

Regarding the question of "who provides help," the working mechanism will continue whereby the central leadership makes overall plans, provincial authorities take overall responsibility, and city and county authorities take charge of implementation. Top Party and government officials at each level are responsible for poverty alleviation under their jurisdiction. All resources will be integrated to build synergy, and the mechanism be improved to enhance the cooperation between the east and the west, with a clear division of labor and responsibilities among Party and government departments, the military, people's organizations, and state-owned enterprises, with specific tasks for their staff assigned to poverty alleviation, and with effective evaluation of their performance.

Speaking of regional differences, Xi Jinping points out that today region-wide poverty alleviation - for instance the whole of northwest or northeast China - is no longer a problem. The focus should shift to segmented zones within the large regions. Poverty alleviation is a general policy, and detailed rules for implementation should be worked out, like doing elaborate embroidery. 

Different measures should be applied to different localities and impoverished households. These include southern Xinjiang, stony deserts, the Taihang Mountains, the source region of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers in southern Qinghai, the Greater and Lesser Liangshan Mountains, ethnic minority areas and grasslands, areas inhabited by the ethnic groups that have crossed stages of development to directly enter socialism, areas with different cultural backgrounds, and areas where standard Chinese language is not widely used. Good experience and methods of poverty elimination may be provided to inspire new ideas.

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