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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Acting According to Local Conditions

Updated:2021-01-14 | By:China.org.cn




Acting According to Local Conditions

To act according to local conditions means devising appropriate measures suited to local realities. This is a basic lesson of China's targeted poverty alleviation. To make it specific, targeted measures are tailored for each village, each household and each individual in severely poverty-stricken areas.

Xi Jinping has emphasized this point on different occasions. He demands that cities and counties be responsible for the execution of relevant policies according to local conditions, and make sure that these policies will take root and bear fruit. He likens targeted measures to "feeling the pulse of a patient" and "issuing the right prescription" by a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

He takes Fuping County in Hebei Province as an example. There must be good ideas and well-designed approaches that are applicable to local realities. With good planning, it is easy to make breakthroughs at the right point.

For instance, Fuping County has 3 millionmu(200,000 hectares) of mountainous land, with a high forest coverage rate, which is suitable for orchards, plantations, and animal husbandry. There is a group of waterfalls and a museum in the old revolutionary base area. These are good tourist resources to develop, given the county's proximity to Beijing and Tianjin, the Buddhist resort of Wutai Mountain, and Xibaipo (location of the CPC's headquarters before it moved to Beiping, now Beijing, in March 1949).

Xi points out that different localities should make good use of their own comparative strengths to develop eitheragriculture, forestry, animal husbandry or eco-tourism, whatever is most suitable to them, so as to lay a solid foundation for long-term development.

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