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Home > Targeted Poverty Elimination

Special Poverty Alleviation Programs

Updated:2021-01-12 | By:China.org.cn




2011年,中共中央、國務院頒布實施《中國農村扶貧開發綱要(2011-2020年)》,正式將扶貧開發工作劃分為專項扶貧、行業扶貧、社會扶貧三大塊,其中專項扶貧主要包括易地扶貧搬遷、整村推進、以工代賑、產業扶貧、就業促進等內容。2015年,《中共中央 國務院關于打贏脫貧攻堅戰的決定》進一步提出,強化政府責任,引領市場、社會協同發力,鼓勵先富幫后富,構建專項扶貧、行業扶貧、社會扶貧互為補充的大扶貧格局。

Special Poverty Alleviation Programs

Special poverty alleviation programs are development-oriented, especially designed and implemented to help the poor tackle poverty problems.

In the early 1980s, the state launched an agricultural development program and a work-relief plan for the poor counties in Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Later, special programs were related to poverty alleviation work supported by development funds, work-relief funds, development funds for minority ethnic groups, agricultural development subsidies, and government-subsided discount loans for poverty alleviation projects.

As distinct from poverty alleviation through business development or with social assistance, special programs have the following features:

(1)The money needed mainly comes from the poverty relief funds appropriated from central and local budgets;

(2)Single or comprehensive projects are usually conducted to boost alleviation;

(3)The projects must be undertaken in the villages and by the households to ensure the truly impoverished are the direct beneficiaries; and

(4)The organizations in charge of project implementation include poverty alleviation leading groups and their offices, development and reform commissions, and financial departments under all levels of government.

The Outline for Development-oriented Poverty Alleviation of China's Rural Areas (2011-2020), released in 2011, defines development-oriented poverty alleviation as special programs, corporate support, and social assistance. Special programs include relocation, village-based poverty alleviation, work-relief, business development, and employment improvement.

The Decision on Winning the Battle Against Poverty, issued in 2015, emphasizes the responsibilities of the government and the roles of the market and social assistance, and encourages those who have become better-off to help those still lagging behind, so as to build synergy by integrating special programs, corporate support and social assistance.

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