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My Jolly Sailor Bold








Upon one summer's morning 夏日的清晨
I carefully did stray 我小心地漫步
Down by the Walls of Wapping 沿著沃平的城墻
Where I met a sailor gay 遇到了一個快樂的水手
Conversing with a young lass 正與年輕的姑娘互訴衷腸
Who seem'd to be in pain 姑娘看上去那樣憂傷
Saying, William, when you go 她說:威廉,每當你離開我
I fear you will ne'er return again 我都害怕你再也不會回來
His hair hangs in ringlets 他長長的鬈發低垂
His eyes as black as soles 他的眼睛烏黑深邃
My happiness attend him 將我的幸福一并帶走
Wherever he may go 無論他身在何方
From Tower Hill to Blackwall 從塔山到布萊克沃爾
I'll wander, weep and moan 我四處游蕩 流淚嗚咽
All for my jolly sailor bold 都是為了我勇敢快樂的水手
Until he does return 直到他能夠重返故鄉
My father is a merchant 我的父親是一位商人
The truth I will now tell 他的故事我正要講
And in great London City in 居住在美麗的倫敦
Opulence doth dwell 生活富足又安康
His fortune doth exceed 他的財富已經超過
300,000 in gold 30萬枚金幣
And he frowns upon his daughter 卻為了女兒緊鎖眉頭
'Cause she loves a sailor bold 只因她愛上了一個勇敢的水手
A fig for his riches 他的財富算得了什么
His merchandise and gold 無論是貨品還是金子
True love has grafted my heart 真愛已在我心中扎根
Give me my sailor bold 那勇敢的水手是我唯一所求
Should he return in poverty 只要他能回來 哪怕一無所有
From o'er the ocean far 從那遙遠的大洋彼岸
To my tender bosom 回到我溫柔的懷中
I'll fondly press my jolly tar 我將深情地擁抱我快樂的水手
My sailor is as smiling 我的水手笑容燦爛
As the pleasant month of May 如同五月的天氣 爽朗宜人
And oft we have wandered 我們時常外出漫步
Through Ratcliffe Highway 沿著拉特克利夫公路
Where many a pretty 在那里 我們看到
Blooming girl we did behold 一個又一個明媚的少女
Reclining on the bosom 依偎在她們深愛的
Of her jolly sailor bold 勇敢快樂的水手懷中
My name it is Maria 我的名字是瑪麗亞
A merchant's daughter fair 商人的女兒 純潔無暇
And I have left my parents and 我離開了父母
Three thousand pounds a year 放棄了每年三千英鎊的身家
Come all you pretty fair maids 來吧 你們這些美麗純潔的少女
Whoever you may be 無論各自身份如何
Who love a jolly sailor bold 你們愛著的勇敢快樂的水手
That ploughs the raging sea 在洶涌的大海上乘風破浪
While up aloft in storm 在風暴中爬上桅桿頂端
From me his absence mourn 遺憾著他不在我的身旁
And firmly pray, arrive the day 虔誠祈禱 終有一天
He home will safe return 他能平安地返回家園
My heart is pierced by Cupid 我的心被愛神之箭穿透
I disdain all glittering gold 視閃亮的黃金為糞土
There is nothing that can console me 這世間再沒什么能夠撫慰我
But my jolly sailor bold


(China.org.cn Rebecca 譯)


lass: <蘇格蘭> 少女,小姑娘

many a/ an/ another: [后接單數名詞] 許多的;一個又一個的


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