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Daily News 2010-09-24

A 31-year-old Canadian woman, Janis Ollson, has become the first person to survive being cut in half. She was reassembled with a prosthetic left leg and an artificial pelvis.

A 31-year-old Canadian woman, Janis Ollson, has become the first person to survive being cut in half. She was reassembled with a prosthetic left leg and an artificial pelvis.
Woman to survive being cut in half 女子腰斬手術奇跡存活
A 31-year-old Canadian woman, Janis Ollson, was diagnosed with sarcoma-a form of bone cancer, when she was pregnant three years ago, the Daily Mail reported. In order to remove the tumor, she agreed to undergo ground-breaking drastic surgeries that entailed being cut in half and then using more than 240 staples to put her back together. She survived and was reassembled with a prosthetic left leg and an artificial pelvis. She has become the first person to survive being cut in half. Since her groundbreaking surgery, three other patients have had the operation but only one has survived. 據英國《每日郵報》報道,現年31歲的加拿大女子賈尼絲·奧森3年前懷孕時罹惡性軟骨肉瘤,為了摘除腫瘤,她接受了一項史無前例的高風險手術:身體被切成上下兩半,清除腫瘤后,再用240多枚鋼釘加以接回。手術后,賈尼絲安裝了左腿義肢和人工骨盆,奇跡般存活了下來。她是史上第一位接受腰斬手術而存活的人。繼賈尼絲的成功手術之后,已有3名患者接受相同的手術,但是僅有1名女子存活。
Traffic snarls former bike kingdom “首堵”北京喚起單車記憶
The paralyzed traffic in Beijing after a moderate rain last Friday afternoon has caused local citizens to reminisce of the good old days when they lived in the famed "bicycle kingdom" only a few decades ago, CNN reported. 據美國有線電視新聞網報道,上周五下午一場中雨造成北京交通癱瘓,也讓北京人想起了過去的美好時光:短短幾十年前,他們生活在“自行車王國”。
The soaring economy has put more people in cars and paradoxically, slows the city's tempo. Now in Beijing, many citizens would rather ride than drive. The city has more than 4.5 million vehicles and soon perhaps its wide highways will be huge parking lots. 經濟的騰飛讓越來越多的人開始了“輪子上的生活”,但自相矛盾的是,北京的節奏反而被拖慢了。在北京,現在許多人寧愿騎車也不開車。北京目前有450萬輛機動車,也許不久以后北京的主干道就要變成一個巨型停車場。
Young beggar harasses females 地鐵行乞男騷擾女乘客
A middle-school-aged beggar reportedly harassed female passengers on Beijing subway, according to Beijing News. The beggar targets young and single female passengers. He cursed and harassed them physically when they refused to give him money. A passenger took the beggar's image with her mobile phone and sent it to the police who say they plan to apprehend him. 據《新京報》報道,北京地鐵內一名行乞男子騷擾女乘客。該男子專挑單身年輕女士,如乞討被拒,他不光出口傷人還在行為上騷擾她們。一名乘客用手機拍下照片,已經交給警方。警方表示會對其做出拘留處罰。
Bosnian actress in Jolie's film 朱莉導演處女作定主角
A largely unknown Bosnian actress Zana Marjanovic has surprisingly nabbed the lead role in Angelina Jolie's directorial debut about a Serbian man and Bosnian woman who meet on the eve of the 1992-95 Bosnian war, Reuters reported. The romantic drama, which was announced in August when Hollywood actress Jolie visited Sarajevo as a goodwill ambassador of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR, will be based on her own screenplay and will star regional actors. The film is expected to cost $15 million and will start shooting this week in Budapest. 據英國路透社報道,默默無聞的波黑女演員扎納·馬加維克意外的被選定為安吉麗娜·朱莉導演電影處女作的女主角。該片講述1992-1995年間波黑戰爭期間的浪漫愛情故事,一個塞爾維亞男人和一個波斯尼亞女人在戰前邂逅。朱莉在今年八月以聯合國難民專員辦事處親善大使的身份訪問波斯尼亞時,曾透露她將以此為背景拍攝一部自編自導的愛情電影,且片中角色均將由當地演員扮演。這部電影預計耗資1500萬美金,將于本周在布達佩斯開機。
Loofah outgrows Yao Ming “姚明絲瓜”
Mr. Li, in Shunyi District, Beijing, has planted a 2.46 meters long loofah, which is taller than Yao Ming, the Beijing Morning Post reported. Li said that every year he will buy seeds of loofah and plant them in spring. He had planted a 1.9-meter-long loofah several years ago; however, this 2.46-meter loofah is his masterpiece.



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- Daily News 2010-09-20
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