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Daily News 2010-08-31
File Photo: London
File Photo: London
Builders target Asians for London homes 倫敦地產商瞄準亞洲投資者
London's biggest homebuilders are increasingly targeting cash-rich Asian investors as the demise of the buy-to-let market in the UK forces them to generate new custom from overseas, the Financial Times reported. In a sign of the shifting balance of wealth in the global economy, homebuilding companies are taking advantage of the stronger growth in the emerging markets of Asia and the added attraction of weak sterling to sell a third of new homes built in the capital. Last year, 3,061 homes were built in London. 據英國《金融時報》報道,由于英國投資性房地產市場衰敗,倫敦最大的地產商不得不開拓海外市場,他們漸漸地把目光轉移到現金充裕的亞洲投資人身上。隨著全球財富的轉移,住宅建造公司趁亞洲新興市場增長勢頭強勁以及英鎊走低之時賣掉了倫敦三分之一的新建住宅。去年倫敦地區新建了3061套住宅。
※ Berkeley Group, London's largest volume homebuilder, said that of the 2,000 homes it sold last year at an average price of 263,000 pounds, more than 30% were to buyers in China and India. Rob Perrins, chief executive of Berkeley, said that foreign investors in many cases made more secure buyers. Berkeley has experienced only one default from its sales to non-UK buyers to date. ※ 倫敦最大的住宅建造商伯克利集團稱,去年他們以均價26.3萬英鎊賣出了2000套住宅,其中30%以上的買家來自中國和印度。伯克利集團總裁鮑勃?博林斯表示,在多數情況下與海外投資人做生意非常保險。迄今為止,伯克利集團的這些非英國買家里,只有一家違約。
Unions to negotiate wages in 2 years 國家推行工資集體協商
Wang Yupu, vice-chairperson of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, said yesterday that in two years, all trade unions in the country will carry out collective negotiations on wages, Xinhua reported. He also said more than 90 percent of companies in China should have trade unions – which will represent more than 92 percent of the nation's workers – by that time. He said local trade unions should be responsible for teaching grassroots organizations about collective bargaining, which some leaders do not know how to do effectively. 據新華社報道,全國總工會副主席王玉普昨日在京表示,全國所有的工會將在兩年內推行工資集體協商。到那時,中國90%以上的企業將成立工會,職工入會率也將達到92%以上。他還表示,某些基層組織領導不懂如何有效地進行工資集體協商,當地工會應該對他們就此方面進行培訓。
Court: Use of 'Teletubbies' brand legal 中國“天線寶寶”商標合法
A local court in Fujian Province ruled yesterday that a food factory has the right to use the Chinese words for "Teletubbies" as a brand name, the Beijing Times reported. The food factory registered Tian Xian Bao Bao, the Chinese translation of "Teletubbies" in 2002, but was recently forbidden to use it by a local brand commission after protests from Ragdoll Productions, the producer of the "Teletubbies" show. But the court ruled that the brand, purely containing Chinese characters, does not violate China's public interest and is legal. The judges for the case implied that if the brand violates Ragdoll's interests, the matter should be settled in a different case. 據《京華時報》報道,福建泉州法院昨天裁定,一家當地食品公司有權使用漢字“天線寶寶”作為商標。這家公司2002年將漢字組合“天線寶寶”注冊為商標,但近日地方商標評審委員收到了《天線寶寶》動畫片的出品人——英國拉格道爾公司抗議后,要求該商標停止使用。法院裁定,純漢語文字組合的“天線寶寶”商標未損害中國公共利益,商標合法。法院也指出,如果該標志注冊損害了特定公司的權益,可以另行解決。
Man paid for wrongful jailing 8年冤獄換得89萬賠償
Wang Zifa, a farmer in Donglan County of Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was convicted and sentenced to death for a robbery and murder during his first trial in Nov. 2002, which Wang appealed, and received death with a reprieve following a second trial. However, in Feb. 2007 Tan Hanbao who was in jail over robbery, confessed to police that he had committed the murder. On Aug. 20, 2010, Hechi Intermediate People's Court approved a request by the city's prosecutors to withdraw the charge against Wang due to a lack of evidence. The police in Donglan withdrew the case on the same day. Chinese Radio Network reported yesterday that newly-freed Wang Zifa had received 890,000 yuan of state compensation. 廣西壯族自治區河池市東蘭縣農民王子發于2002年11月被以槍劫殺人罪一審判處死刑,上訴后二審時改為死緩。2007年2月,因搶劫入獄的覃漢寶坦白說他才是此案真兇。今年8月20日,河池市中級人民法院同意河池市人民檢察院因證據不足撤回對王子發的起訴,東蘭縣公安局也在同一天撤案。中國廣播網昨天報道稱,重獲自由的王子發最終獲得國家賠償款89萬元。
Truck crushes noise protester 老太遭工地拉土車碾壓
An elderly woman protesting the noise at a construction site was run over by a truck around midnight, Aug. 28 in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, China Business View reported. The woman was trying to argue with the truck driver at the site gate and wanted them to stop the late-hour construction bustle, but the driver ran her over. The woman, 75, sustained multiple injuries and is facing amputation, according to the doctor. The driver is in police custody. He insists he didn't see the woman and claims that the woman might have been accidentally crushed by the rear wheel after a slip. 據《華商報》報道,28日午夜左右,陜西咸陽一名老太因抱怨附近建筑工地的噪音,遭拉土車碾壓。老太當時在工地大門外與拉土車司機理論,希望他們停止夜間作業,但司機仍從其身上碾過。老人今年75歲,按照醫生的說法,她很可能面臨截肢。肇事司機目前被警方控制,但他堅持自己當時沒有看到老太,并稱老人可能是自己滑倒后才被車后輪碾壓的。
Teen motorcyclist killed at Indy 美13歲賽車手殞命賽場
During a motorcycle race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway last Sunday, 13-year-old Peter Lenz fell off his bike during a warm-up lap and was run over by a trailing motorcycle, AP reported. A few hours later, Lenz was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, Yahoo sports reported. The tragedy raised questions about whether riders who aren't even old enough to obtain a driver's license should be racing vehicles that can top 120 mph. Officials said Monday that they will look into possible ways to increase racers' safety. 據美聯社報道,上周日,在美國印第安納波利斯市舉行的一場摩托車賽上,年僅13歲的賽車新星彼得?倫茲賽前熱身時不慎從車上跌下,與他相隔幾輛車的一位車手來不及躲避,從倫茲身上碾過。倫茲被送至附近醫院幾小時后,被宣布死亡。這次悲劇引發了關于車手年齡的討論:那些年齡小還不夠資格獲得駕照的車手是否應該參與車速最高可達每小時120英里的賽車?官方周一稱,他們將繼續研究增強賽車手安全系數的可行方法。

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