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Daily News 2010-08-08

Three female infants in Wuhan, Hubei Province, are showing signs of sexual development. Their parents blame their formula milk, Shengyuan Formula Milk, which has produced similar cases in female infants taking it in Jiangxi, Shandong and Guangdong provinces.

Three female infants in Wuhan, Hubei Province, are showing signs of sexual development. Their parents blame their formula milk, Shengyuan Formula Milk, which has produced similar cases in female infants taking it in Jiangxi, Shandong and Guangdong provinces.
Formula milk blamed for early development 武漢3名女嬰食用奶粉性早熟
Three female infants in Wuhan, Hubei Province, are showing signs of sexual development, including breast growth. The girls, ranging from 4 months to 15 months, have been diagnosed with abnormally high female hormones. Their parents blame their formula milk, Shengyuan Formula Milk, which has produced similar cases in female infants taking it in Jiangxi, Shandong and Guangdong provinces. Shengyuan claims on its website that their products are safe. Health and food safety authorities have not made any official conclusions. 3名湖北武漢的女嬰食用奶粉之后,被發(fā)現(xiàn)乳房增大等性發(fā)育征狀。這三名女嬰年齡在4個月和15個月之間,被診斷出體內(nèi)的雌性激素超過了正常水平。家長指責嬰兒一直服用的圣元奶粉是主因;江西、山東、廣東也出現(xiàn)了嬰兒服用該品牌奶粉導致的類似病例。圣元公司在其網(wǎng)站上稱所生產(chǎn)的商品沒有質(zhì)量問題。目前健康和食品安全機構(gòu)還未做出官方認定。
Microsoft speeds up Win XP phase-out 微軟加速淘汰XP系統(tǒng)
Microsoft is stepping up efforts to phase out its operating system Windows XP, including refusals to issue new security patches for Windows XP Service Pack 2. Microsoft doesn't seem particularly pleased about the success of XP, the mainstream operating system that still claims more than twice the market share of Windows Vista and Windows 7 combined, according to PC World. The SP2 patch is a significant upgrade for XP, while SP3 isn't as critical. Microsoft announced earlier that Internet Explorer 9 and the new version of Windows Live Essential will not be XP-compatible, in its effort to get users to upgrade. 微軟公司正在加快淘汰Win XP的步伐,包括停止為XP SP2版本發(fā)布新安全補丁。據(jù)美國《計算機世界》報道,微軟似乎并不在意XP的成功,這款主流操作系統(tǒng)的市場份額比Vista和Win 7的總和還要大一倍。SP2是XP系統(tǒng)的一個重要補丁,然而SP3相比之下就不是那么關鍵。微軟先前宣布新版瀏覽器IE9和Windows Live Essential都不兼容XP,旨在讓用戶升級操作系統(tǒng)。
Finalist dies at World Sauna event 俄選手桑拿決賽“被蒸死”
The annual World Sauna Championships in Heinola, Finland, on Saturday have ended in tragedy, with the death of one of the finalists, BBC reported. Vladimir Ladyzhensky of Russia and Finnish rival Timo Kaukonen collapsed and were taken to the hospital after withstanding a temperature of 110 degrees Celsius for six minutes. Ladyzhensky later died. 英國廣播公司報道,周六在芬蘭海恩諾拉市舉行的桑拿世界競標賽以悲劇收場,一名參賽選手死亡。角逐冠軍的俄羅斯選手弗拉基米爾·拉迪任斯基和芬蘭選手蒂莫·考科寧在110攝氏度高溫中蒸烤6分鐘后雙雙休克,被送到醫(yī)院搶救。拉迪任斯基搶救無效死亡。
Police nab tax office bomb suspect 長沙稅務局爆炸案疑兇落網(wǎng)
Guangxi police said Sunday they have arrested the man wanted for the bombing of a tax office in Changsha, Hunan Province. The suspect, Liu Zhuiheng, 51, of Hengyang, Hunan, was captured at 5:45 a.m. Sunday in Quanzhou, Guangxi. An explosion occurred on July 30 on the third floor of a district tax office in Changsha, killing four and injuring another 19. Police said the suspect admitted he had committed the crime. 廣西警方表示湖南長沙稅務局大樓爆炸案的疑犯已經(jīng)落網(wǎng)。疑犯劉贅衡,現(xiàn)年51歲,湖南衡陽人,周日早晨5時45分于廣西全州落網(wǎng)。7月30日長沙市一稅務分局3樓辦公室發(fā)生爆炸,致4人死亡、19人受傷。警方稱疑犯劉贅衡對犯罪事實供認不諱。
Seniors push physical limits 數(shù)百名老人通宵暴走挑戰(zhàn)極限
To challenge their physical limits, more than 400 senior citizens took a nonstop fast walk covering 51.8 kilometers in the heat of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Saturday evening, the Chengdu Evening News reported. It took them about 10 hours to finish. They brought medicine to cope with heat stroke and other situations. Some were tailed by private cars with medicine in case of an emergency. Doctors say seniors who are interested in such activities should consider their physical situations and a medical care team is necessary. 《成都晚報》報道,周六晚,400多名老人在成都頂著炎熱的天氣,花大約10小時,不間斷地暴走51.8公里。老人們都預備了藥物來應對中暑等意外。有的老人還讓私家車配備藥物,跟在隊伍后面以應急。醫(yī)生表示,老年人參加此類活動應量力而行,并有保健醫(yī)生隨隊。

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- Daily News 2010-08-05
- Daily News 2010-08-04
- Daily News 2010-08-03
- Daily News 2010-08-02
- Daily News 2010-08-01
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