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Daily News 2010-08-05
In the last two days, 29 of 31 police dogs died from taking vermifuge Niclofolan tablets in a station in Liuzhou, Guangxi.
In the last two days, 29 of 31 police dogs died from taking vermifuge Niclofolan tablets in a station in Liuzhou, Guangxi.
Medicine kills 29 police dogs 驅蟲藥害死29只名貴警犬
In the last two days, 29 of 31 police dogs died from taking vermifuge Niclofolan tablets in a station in Liuzhou, Guangxi, eastday.com reported. The victims include nine German shepherds, eight Tibetan mastiffs, five Pyrenean Mountain dogs, four Rottweilers, two Chinese Kunmin dogs and a Labrador Retriever. The staff said they gave the dogs the medicine as directed by the instructions. An investigation is underway. 據東方網報道,從8月2日開始至8月4日,廣西柳州一警犬基地的31只警犬因食用一種名為“硝氯酚”的驅蟲藥已經有29只名貴警犬死亡,其中包括德國牧羊犬9只、藏獒8只、大白熊5只、挪威納4只、昆明犬2只和拉布拉多犬1只。警犬基地工作人員表示,他們是按藥物說明上的劑量給狗服藥的。目前,有關部門已經展開調查。
Panasonic recalls fridges 松下召回36萬臺冰箱
Panasonic Corp's China unit will recall 365,574 refrigerators on the mainland due to faulty temperature control components, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said Wednesday. Xinhua reported that the recall involves 29 types of refrigerators in the B20 to B26 and C23 to C29 series that were manufactured between March 2007 and March 2009, the quality watchdog said. Certain components can cause abnormal temperatures in freezers, high temperatures or high humidity. In certain extreme conditions, some types of refrigerators can cause a refrigerant leak, or even produce smoke or catch fire after operating under faulty conditions for a long time. Panasonic said the company will offer free checks and repairs. 據新華社報道,國家質檢總局周三宣布,由于溫控部件出現問題,松下中國公司將召回2007年3月到2009年3月期間生產的B20~B26、C23~C29系列共29個型號松下電冰箱,總計365574臺。在高溫高濕環境下,問題部件可能造成“冷藏室不冷”或者“冷藏室過冷”的不正常現象。其中個別型號電冰箱在故障狀態下長期使用時,會產生冷媒控制閥冷媒泄漏,極端情況下會導致冒煙、起火,存在安全隱患。松下稱將提供免費檢修服務。
'Confucius Institute not spying' 孔子學院非諜報機構
Zhao Guocheng, deputy director general of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, refuted on Wednesday that the Confucius institute is an intelligence-gathering body established overseas by the Chinese government. Zhao said the purpose is to let the world know about China, not to popularize Chinese culture, nor to override values of host countries. Japan's Osaka Sangyo University released an official apology on June 10 because one employee called the Confucius Institute a cultural intelligence agency. 面對國外有人質疑孔子學院是中國政府在海外成立的諜報和宣傳機構的言論,孔子學院總部副總干事趙國成周三對此表示反駁。趙國成強調,設孔子學院是要讓世界各國正確地了解中國,而不在于宣傳中國文化,更不是把自己的價值觀凌駕于別國之上。日本大阪產業大學于6月10日發表道歉信,為其雇員早前稱孔子學院為文化間諜機構道歉。
Driver-only buses cheated 無人售票車年收十萬游戲幣
A Chongqing Business News report on Wednesday cited an official of Chongqing Public Transportation Group who said the city's driver-only buses take about 100,000 fake coins every year, which means about a 100,000-yuan loss. Drivers are not allowed to take money directly from commuters. During rush hour, drivers are not able to check every coin or note. The report also said one yuan can buy at least two game tokens in many game centers. The official said the group has started to install the Metro Card system on all buses, hoping to stop the use of fake coins. 據《重慶商報》周三報道,一名重慶市公交集團相關負責人透露,每年各公交公司收到的游戲幣、假幣達到近10萬枚,相當于近10萬元的損失。按規定,駕駛員不能直接接觸錢幣,乘客應該將錢幣展開給司機看,但高峰時乘客很多,無法逐一檢驗。據報道,在重慶的很多游戲廳,一元錢可以買到至少兩枚游戲幣,游戲廳對顧客如何使用、何時使用游戲幣并沒有要求。該負責人說,現在所有的公交車都要求安裝“城市一卡通”,這些投假幣、殘幣的現象將能得到一定程度的遏制。
Indonesia mulls BlackBerry ban 印尼加入封殺黑莓
AP reports that Indonesia said Wednesday it is considering following the lead of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in banning BlackBerry services, owing to data security implications. Saudi Arabia ordered mobile operators across the kingdom to halt BlackBerry services as of Friday while the UAE plans to shut down e-mail, messaging and Web browsing on them starting in October. Several other countries have expressed the desire for more control over BlackBerry messaging, including Bahrain, which has threatened to crack down on news dissemination via the devices. 據美聯社報道,印尼于周三宣布其正考慮效仿沙特和阿聯酋,出于數據安全因素禁止黑莓手機業務。沙特命令該國的移動電訊商自本周五開始停止黑莓業務,阿聯酋也準備從今年10月開始關閉黑莓的郵件、短信和網絡瀏覽服務。另外有些國家,如巴林,也表示要加強監管黑莓短信業務,并威脅壓制使用黑莓傳布新聞等行為。

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