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Daily News 2010-07-29

The AP reported the results of a scan of nearly 300,000 free applications for Apple Inc.'s iPhone and phones built around Google Inc.'s Android software by Lookout Inc. The mobile-phone security firm's scan reveals that nearly a quarter of iPhone apps and almost half of Android apps secretly pull sensitive data off users' phones and ship them to third parties without notification.

The AP reported the results of a scan of nearly 300,000 free applications for Apple Inc.'s iPhone and phones built around Google Inc.'s Android software by Lookout Inc. The mobile-phone security firm's scan reveals that nearly a quarter of iPhone apps and almost half of Android apps secretly pull sensitive data off users' phones and ship them to third parties without notification.

Phone app is watching 不靠譜的應用程序
The AP reported the results of a scan of nearly 300,000 free applications for Apple Inc.'s iPhone and phones built around Google Inc.'s Android software by Lookout Inc. The mobile-phone security firm's scan reveals that nearly a quarter of iPhone apps and almost half of Android apps secretly pull sensitive data off users' phones and ship them to third parties without notification. The data may contain information about users' contacts, pictures, text messages and Internet and search histories. The information is used by companies and advertisers to target ads and learn more about their users. The danger, though, is that the data may become susceptible to hacking and used in identity theft if the third party doesn't secure the information. 據美聯社報道,手機安全公司Lookout公司在檢查了近30萬個為iPhone和Android手機開發的免費應用程序后,發現近四分之一的iPhone程序、一半的Android程序能秘密調取敏感數據,在用戶不知情的情況下發給第三方。此類數據包括用戶儲存的聯系方式、照片、短信息、互聯網瀏覽記錄及搜索記錄。廣告商及其它公司應用此類數據來有目的地投放廣告或了解用戶更多的情況。但是危險在于第三方如不把數據保管好,數據則很容易遭竊,或用來盜用他人的身份。
Cops take reporter off wanted list 浙警方撤銷刑拘記者決定
Police in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, have removed Qiu Ziming, a reporter from the Economic Observer, from their wanted list. They had earlier accused Qiu of "damaging the reputation" of a local company. Qiu's newspaper had defended the right of media organizations to act as watchdogs, saying: "We strongly condemn the use of public power to suppress public opinion and any threats to the personal safety of media workers." 浙江省麗水市警方已經撤銷了對《經濟觀察報》記者仇子明采取刑事拘留的決定。他們之前指控仇子明損害了一家當地公司的信譽。《經濟觀察報》稱媒體有行使監督的權利,并且對“有人試圖借助公權力壓制輿論監督,威脅新聞工作者人身安全,表示強烈譴責”。
Another man, Weng Anyu, had already been arrested on suspicion of damaging commercial reputations. Caijing Magazine reported Weng's wife as saying he had only replied to and forwarded Qiu's articles. 《財經》雜志報道,另一名男子翁安余也因為仇子明事件而被捕,他涉嫌的罪名可能同樣為“損害商業信譽罪”。翁的妻子則說,翁只是對仇子明所刊發的文章進行了跟帖和轉帖而已。
Chemical drums washed into river 約7000化工物料桶流入松花江
Emergency workers have discovered more than 7,000 chemical drums washed into the Songhuajiang River, Xinhua reports. Government officials told a press conference held Thursday morning in Jilin City that only 3,000 of the drums contained chemicals -- about 170 kilograms each -- while the other 4,000 were empty. The drums were swept into the river from a plant in Jilin by floods triggered by days of heavy rain. About 400 of the drums have been recovered. 新華社消息,緊急救援人員發現有7000多只化工物料桶已流入松花江。政府官員今天早上在吉林市召開的新聞發布上稱,約3000只桶裝有化工物料,每桶為170公斤。其余4000桶左右是空桶。由于連日暴雨引發洪水,這些物料桶從吉林市的一家工廠被沖走,進而流入松花江。目前已打撈400桶。
IMF split in yuan debate 國際社會對人民幣松口
An IMF board statement on Wednesday said several countries on the 24-member executive board believed the yuan was undervalued, according to Reuters. But others said a structural reduction in the balance of payments surplus was already taking place thanks to steps taken to boost consumption, and disagreed with the assessment of IMF staff economists that the yuan was "substantially undervalued." Beijing dropped the yuan's 23-month-old peg to the dollar and reverted to a managed float on June 19, since which time it has inched up 0.7 percent against the dollar. 據路透社報道,國際貨幣基金組織在周三發表的聲明中稱在其24國組成的執行董事會中,有數國認為人民幣的幣值被過于低估。其它國家則表示由于中國采取措施刺激消費,其貿易順差正結構性地降低,并表示不同意國際貨幣基金組織經濟學家認為人民幣“估價過低”的看法。中國于6月19日起結束了對人民幣對美元匯率長達23個月的鉗制,允許其在一定范圍內浮動。從那時起,人民幣對美元上漲了0.7個百分點。
New Titanic expedition to create 3-D map of wreck 科學家將繪制3D泰坦尼克殘骸圖
A team of scientists will launch an expedition to the Titanic next month to assess the condition of the wreck and create a detailed three-dimensional map, AP reports. The 20-day expedition, organized by RMS Titanic Inc. and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, will leave St. John's, Newfoundland on Aug. 18. RMS Titanic is bankrolling the expedition. CEO Chris Davino would not reveal the cost of the exploration but said it will be millions of dollars. 據美聯社報道,科學家將于下個月考察泰坦尼克殘骸的腐蝕狀況,并繪制一幅詳盡的3D地圖。此次考察為期20天,由皇家郵輪泰坦尼克號公司與馬塞諸塞的伍茲霍爾海洋研究所聯手組織。考察隊將于8月18日從紐芬蘭的圣約翰出發。皇家郵輪泰坦尼克號公司為出資方,其首席執行官克里斯·達維諾表示考察的花費將達數百萬美元,但不愿透露具體數目。

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