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Daily News 2010-07-27
The Ministry of Health on Monday publicized a draft revision of the national standard of iodine content in edible salt, in which it stated the upper limit should be lowered by half.
The Ministry of Health on Monday publicized a draft revision of the national standard of iodine content in edible salt, in which it stated the upper limit should be lowered by half.
China seeks less iodine in salt 我國擬下調食鹽碘含量上限
The Ministry of Health on Monday publicized a draft revision of the national standard of iodine content in edible salt, in which it stated the upper limit should be lowered by half, the Beijing Evening News reported. The average iodine content would be reduced to 20-30 mg per kg of edible salt, from the current 20-60 mg, according to the draft. 據《北京晚報》報道,衛生部周一公布了《食用鹽碘含量》的修訂草案,擬將食用鹽中碘含量的上限降低一半,即從現行的20-60mg/kg修改為20-30mg/kg。
Iodine intake was "excessive" in five provinces (Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Guangxi and Yunnan) and "above normal" in 16 other provinces, although the national level was "acceptable," the ministry said. Both iodine deficiency and excessive intake can lead to thyroid diseases. 衛生部表示,盡管目前全國平均的碘攝入量處于“可接受水平”,但仍有5個省處于“過量水平”,分別為安徽、河南、湖北、廣西、云南;16個省處于“高于適量水平”(分別為:北京、天津、河北、山西、內蒙古、遼寧、吉林、江蘇、江西、山東、湖南、重慶、四川、貴州、陜西、寧夏)。碘不足或碘過量都會引起甲狀腺疾病。
Prince Milk boss arrested 太子奶老板被捕
Li Tuchun, founder and CEO of Hunan Prince Milk Group, based in Zhuzhou city of Hunan Province, has been arrested on suspicion of illegal pooling of public deposits, the local publicity department said today. A local court has approved bankruptcy reorganization of the group, Xinhua reported. 據新華社報道,湖南省株洲市委宣傳部27日對外界通報,當地“太子奶”集團董事長暨創始人李途純因涉嫌非法吸收公眾存款罪,已經被檢察機關批準逮捕。此外,法院也依法裁定“太子奶”進入破產重整程序。
Digital publishing on top 數字出版經濟規模超圖書出版
With an output of 79.94 billion yuan, digital publishing surpassed book publishing in 2009. The General Administration of Press and Publication of China (GAPP) on Monday released an industry analysis on press and publications in 2009. It's the first government-issued, nationwide report on the industry since 1949, the Xinhua reported. According to the report, mobile publishing income took up 24.2% of the whole output of the digital publishing sector, surpassing the online games. 2009年我國數字出版總產出達到799.4億元,總體經濟規模超過圖書出版。據新華社報道,國家新聞出版總署26日在京發布2009年新聞出版產業分析報告。這是新中國成立以來第一次由政府行業主管部門發布的全國新聞出版產業年度分析報告。報告顯示,手機出版的營業收入已超過傳統的網絡游戲,占到了數字出版全部營業收入的24.2%。
Leaked archive fuels doubts 機密曝光 阿戰遭質疑
The Obama administration scrambled on Monday to manage the leak of secret military records, Reuters reports. Some 91,000 classified documents, made public by WikiLeaks, are a collection of field intelligence and threat reports from before Obama ordered the troop surge in Afghanistan last December. They detail allegations that U.S. forces sought to cover up civilian deaths as well as U.S. concern that Pakistan secretly aided Taliban militants even as it took billions of dollars in U.S. aid. They also illustrate the Pentagon's own bleak assessment of the war amid deteriorating security and a strengthening Taliban. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, said Monday his group still held back 15,000 of the documents. The White House condemned the leak, saying it could threaten national security and endanger American lives. 據路透社信息,大量爆炸性機密軍事記錄于周一曝光,令奧巴馬政府焦頭爛額。這些機密文件均為戰地情報和威脅報告,于去年12月份奧巴馬決定向阿富汗增兵前收集,共計91000件,日前由維基泄密公布于眾。這些文件詳細描述了美軍如何掩蓋平民傷亡事故,以及美方擔心巴基斯坦一面收取它的巨額援助,一面秘密協助塔利班武裝分子。文件也顯示出在阿富汗安全局勢惡化和塔利班實力增強之際,五角大樓對戰爭前途堪憂。維基泄密的創始人朱利?安亞桑杰周一表示他們還有15000份文件沒有公布。白宮譴責了此次泄密事件,表示這會威脅美國國家和民眾的安全。
Chatroulette cleans up 聊天網站清理門戶
According to itnews.com and CNN, Andrey Ternovskiy, the founder of online video chat-room sensation Chatroulette, has revealed the company has been storing the IP addresses and even taking screenshots of users engaged in inappropriate conduct while connected to the service. The website, which unites people all over the world for live, random video chats, has been plagued by awkward, and possibly illegal, nudity since it became wildly popular in February of this year. 據itnews網站和美國有線電視新聞網報道,人氣極高的在線視頻聊天室 - "聊天輪盤"的創辦人安德烈?特諾夫斯基宣布,用戶在其網站視頻聊天的時,如有不正當行為,他的公司會記錄下用戶的IP地址,甚至會抓取用戶的圖像。在此網站,世界各地的人們可以通過隨機視頻進行即時聊天,自從今年2月份誕生起,網站便受到廣泛的歡迎,然而不當的或有違法嫌疑的裸露在聊天室里時有發生,給網站帶來了很大的麻煩。

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