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Scientists present research in zoonotic disease at Expo
File photo: the Liverpool Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 資料圖:上海世博會利物浦案例館
File photo: the Liverpool Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo
Scientists from the University of Liverpool will present research findings into the study of animal-borne human diseases at Shanghai World Expo. 來自利物浦大學的科學家們將在上海世博會展示有關人畜共患病的研究成果。
The event is part of a programme of scientific symposia and conferences being held by the University at Expo throughout August that will also cover Materials Chemistry, Urban Design, Maritime Logistics and the Green Economy, as well as Zoonotic Disease. 此次活動是利物浦大學在上海世博會舉行的科學專題討論會的一部分。整個科學專題討論會將持續一個月,專題涵蓋材料化學、城市設計、航運物流、綠色經濟以及人畜共患病等領域。
Zoonoses are diseases that originate in animals but can jump species and infect humans. They comprise of approximately three quarters of all emerging and new infections in human beings. Researchers from all over the world will come together at Expo to discuss issues such as avian flu, the evolution of infectious diseases and emerging infections in China. 人畜共患病是一種起源于動物,但可以跨越物種并傳染人類的疾病。大約四分之三新發現的人類傳染病屬于人畜共患病。屆時,來自世界各地的研究人員將聚集世博會,共同討論禽流感、傳染病的演變以及中國新發傳染病例等一系列話題。
Scientists will also present initial findings from the 'Fluscape' study, a £1.3 million project focusing on incidences of influenza in the Guangdong province of China. The research – a collaboration involving the University's National Centre for Zoonosis Research, the University of Hong Kong, Shantou University, Guangzhou Number 12 Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US – aims to investigate how the spread of pandemic and seasonal influenza is associated with contact and travel patterns of people and households and their rural-urban location. 科學家們還將展示“Fluscape”項目的初步研究成果。“Fluscape”是一項投資一千三百萬英鎊,著重于研究中國廣東省流行性感冒發病率的科研項目。該項目由利物浦大學人畜共患病國家研究中心、香港大學、汕頭大學、廣州市第十二人民醫院和美國約翰霍普金斯大學彭博公共衛生學院合作研發,旨在探討流行性和季節性流感的傳播與人類接觸方式、旅行方式以及農村-城市位置等因素的相關性。
Initial results suggest that even after accounting for differences in age and demography, the area where people live in Guangzhou city and nearby rural areas affects which recent seasonal influenza strains they have been exposed to. This indicates that differences in influenza infections may occur at a much smaller scale than previously thought. 初步結果表明,在排除了廣州市區和附近郊區年齡差異和人口差異的影響后,不同的居住地點仍對當地人口接觸到何種季節性流感具有影響。這也表明流感的感染可能在小范圍內就出現差異,而這范圍可能遠遠小于我們之前的估計。
Professor Malcolm Bennett, Director of the National Centre for Zoonosis Research, said: "Zoonoses and emerging infections are major global threats to human health and wellbeing. The prediction and control of such diseases is now an international priority. Medical and veterinary scientists, as well as epidemiologists and experts in particular diseases, will discuss a range of issues, including research in food-borne zoonoses and new methods of studying the transmission and control of disease." 全球人畜共患病研究中心主任馬爾科姆?貝內特教授說:“人畜共患病和新出現的傳染疾病對全球人類健康存在重大威脅。預防和控制這類疾病是全球各醫療機構首先要應對的。醫療專家、獸醫學家、流行病專家和特定疾病專家將共同討論一系列疾病預防及治療問題,包括經由食物傳染的人畜共患病以及控制疾病傳染的新方法。”

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