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Daily News 2010-07-15

Samples of BaWang's shampoos were found to contain the cancer-causing substance dioxane, Hong Kong-based Next Magazine reported on July 14, citing test results by inspection and analysis company SGS. Bawang said the level of dioxane in its products is well within the safety limit prescribed by EU and is widely used in the industry.

Samples of BaWang's shampoos were found to contain the cancer-causing substance dioxane, Hong Kong-based Next Magazine reported on July 14, citing test results by inspection and analysis company SGS. Bawang said the level of dioxane in its products is well within the safety limit prescribed by EU and is widely used in the industry.

BaWang products contain carcinogens 霸王洗發水被指含致癌物
Samples of BaWang's shampoos were found to contain the cancer-causing substance dioxane, Hong Kong-based Next Magazine reported on July 14, citing test results by inspection and analysis company SGS. Bawang said the level of dioxane in its products is well within the safety limit prescribed by EU and is widely used in the industry. 據7月14日香港媒體《壹周刊》報道,香港公證所化驗結果表明,霸王洗發產品含有致癌物質二惡烷。霸王國際回應稱,洗發水中的二惡烷含量對人體無害,在歐盟法例中也是允許的,并且為整個行業廣泛使用。
※ Background: Dioxane can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. It is also suspected of causing damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. ※ 背景:二惡烷對皮膚、眼部和呼吸系統有刺激性,并可能對肝、腎和神經系統造成損害。
'Killer mushroom' found in China 含毒小白菌致人暴死
Following a five-year investigation, researchers from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said a mushroom known as Little White is responsible for an estimated 400 deaths in three decades in Yunnan. The mushroom has three toxic amino acids, experts say. Yunnan is well-known for its wild mushrooms. Families, who make their living by collecting and selling the fungi, eat the Little White because it has little commercial value. The Little White is small and turns brown shortly after being picked. 經過五年的調查,中國疾病預防控制中心的研究人員指出云南近30年來大約400起神秘猝死的罪魁禍首是一種小白菌蘑菇。專家說小白菌含有三種有毒的氨基酸。云南盛產野生蘑菇。小白菌個頭很小,采摘后很快就會變成棕色,沒有多大商業價值,所以那些靠撿蘑菇賣錢維生的家庭就會自己吃掉這些小白菌。
Flood threat is enormous 洪災形勢嚴峻
Massive flooding, similar to the 1998 floods that killed thousands of people, is likely to occur this year if downpours continue to batter the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River. 暴雨如在長江中上游持續下去,規模堪比1998年的洪災將可能再次重演,那年的洪災奪去了數千人的生命。
Bomb scare forces jet to land early 炸彈傳言致烏魯木齊起飛航班緊急迫降
An anonymous phone call said China Southern flight (CZ3912) had a bomb on board, and the plane, which was heading from Urumqi to Guangzhou Wednesday evening, was forced to land temporarily at Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport, an official from Civil Aviation Administration of China confirmed today to the China News Service. No bombs were found and the flight has been declared safe after a complete examination. 據中新社報道,今日民航局一官員證實,昨晚南航從烏魯木齊飛往廣州的CZ3912航班遭匿名電話威脅,稱航班上有炸彈,飛機中途備降蘭州中川機場。民航方面配合公安部門對該航班進行了認真的檢查,并未發現炸彈以及其他可疑情況。
Iranian scientist arrives home 伊科學家回國
Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri arrived in Tehran Thursday. He was welcomed by family members and deputy foreign minister Hassan Ghashghavi at the Imam Khomeini airport. Amiri said he suffered extreme mental and physical torture at the hands of U.S. interrogators. He alleged that CIA agents offered him US$50 million to remain in the United States. "I am a simple researcher who was working in the university," Amiri said. "I'm not involved in any confidential jobs. I had no classified information." He said he would reveal more information later. The U.S. said Amiri was a willing defector who changed his mind and decided to board a plane home from Washington. 伊朗科學家沙赫拉姆?阿米里已于周四抵達德黑蘭。在伊瑪目?霍梅尼機場,他受到了家人及副外長哈桑?格什加維的歡迎。阿米里稱,他遭受了美國審問人員極端的精神及肉體折磨;中央情報局的特工還出價5千萬美元,讓其留在美國。“我只是大學里一個普普通通的研究人員,并沒參與任何機密工作,也沒掌握任何機密信息。”他表示之后會透露更多信息。但是美方稱阿米里為自愿叛逃,后來改變主意,決定登上回國的飛機。
Plants 'can think and remember' 研究發現植物有“記憶”能“思考”
Plants have the ability to remember and react to information contained in light, according to Polish researchers, BBC reported. Scientists said plants transmit information about the strength and quality of light from leaf to leaf in a manner similar to a human's nervous system. The plants have cells that act like nerves which transmit the electro-chemical signals. The scientists came to this conclusion after their experiment showed that plants responded to light even if it was shone on only one leaf. The response, which took the form of chemical reactions in the leaves, continued in the dark, showing that the plant's "memory" recalled the information encoded in light. 據英國廣播公司報道,波蘭科學家發現植物能夠“記住”光線里包含的信息并能作出“反應”。細胞作為植物的“神經”能夠將電化學信號如光照強度和質量從一片葉子傳輸到另一片葉子,原理與人體的神經系統非常相似。科學家用實驗展示了打在一片葉子上的燈光讓整個植物都作出“反應”。并且,這種光化學反應在黑暗中同樣可以繼續,這說明植物能夠“記住”光照的信息。
"What was even more peculiar was that the plants' responses changed depending on the color of the light that was being shone on them," explained professor Stanislaw Karpinski, who led this research. "So the plants perform a sort of biological light computation, using information contained in the light to immunize themselves against diseases that are prevalent during that season."




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