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Weekly News (2010-07-05 ~ 2010-07-09)

It's one of the biggest and loudest parties on the planet, but organizers of the nine-day San Fermín fiesta, kicking off July 6 in the northern Spanish city of Pamplona have decided there is one thing it cannot cope with – the ear-shattering vuvuzela horn made famous by South Africans during the World Cup. [Xinhua/AFP]
It's one of the biggest and loudest parties on the planet, but organizers of the nine-day San Fermín fiesta, kicking off July?6 in the northern Spanish city of Pamplona have decided there is one thing it cannot cope with – the ear-shattering vuvuzela horn made famous by South Africans during the World Cup. [Xinhua/AFP]

Pamplona bans vuvuzelas for bull run 西班牙奔牛節對嗚嗚祖啦說不
It's one of the biggest and loudest parties on the planet, but organizers of the nine-day San Fermín fiesta, kicking off July?6 in the northern Spanish city of Pamplona have decided there is one thing it cannot cope with – the ear-shattering vuvuzela horn made famous by South Africans during the World Cup. "Given that vuvuzelas produce noise levels that are both irritating and dangerous, sale of them has been expressly forbidden," a town hall statement said. 7月6日在西班牙北部城市潘普洛納開始的為期9天的圣費爾明節,即奔牛節,被認為是世界上最壯觀也是最吵的狂歡節之一。但主辦方認為,還有一樣更吵的東西讓他們忍受不了,那就是因南非世界杯而聞名天下,可以震耳欲聾的嗚嗚祖啦。政府還發布公告稱:“鑒于嗚嗚祖啦產生的噪音水平不僅讓人討厭而且已經到了危險的級別,所以禁止銷售。”
Millions of bachelors expected in 2020 10年之后娶妻難 
Sex-ratio imbalance among the Chinese under 19 is rather severe, and about 23,770,000 men at their marriageable age ten years later would face difficulty in finding a wife, says the Blue Book of China's Society, a series of annual reports by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Statistics show that China's birth-sex ratio in 2009 was 119.45, 1.11 percentages lower than 2008. But it's still rather higher than the normal range set by the United Nations -- 103-107, meaning if 100 girls are born, there should be 103-107 new-born boys. 中國社科院發布的2010年《社會藍皮書》指出,目前我國19歲以下年齡段的人口性別比嚴重失衡。到2020年,將有2377萬適婚男性面臨“娶妻難”。統計數字顯示:2009年中國出生人口性別比為119.45,比2008年下降了1.11個百分點,但依然高于聯合國設定的正常值103-107,意即每出生100個女孩,應相應出生103到107個男孩。
Seagull thinks he's a cat 海鷗“失足”變作貓
The Daily Mail reported that the Grimwoods adopted a seagull three years ago after it fell down a chimney, and brought it up with three cats. He not only slept in pets' beds but also ate cat food out of a bowl with the cats. Mr Grimwood, 52, said, "I think he thought he was a cat." 據《每日郵報》報道,英國的格里姆伍德夫婦3年前收養了一只失足跌落煙囪的小海鷗。這只雄性海鷗和家里的三只貓一起長大,他不光睡寵物小窩,還分享貓食。52歲的格里姆伍德先生笑稱:“我覺得他已經把自己當成貓了。”
Bollywood debut for bin Laden 拉登成寶萊塢電影主角
Osama bin Laden is the subject of a Bollywood film "Tere Bin Laden" ("Without You Laden"), the story of an imaginative young television journalist who turns an encounter with a look-alike bin Laden into his ticket to fame. "The film looks to give a fresh perspective to the repercussions of 9/11 that a lot of people are facing, but I want to do it through humor," director Abhishek Sharma said. The film opens across India on July 16. 在寶萊塢電影《冒牌本?拉登》里,奧薩馬?本?拉登成為了主角。影片敘述了一位虛構的年輕電視記者利用長相酷似拉登的人謀取名利的故事。導演阿比謝克?沙馬表示:“這部電影為了向人們提供一個新鮮的角度,來審視9/11事件對人們的影響,但我想以幽默的方式來表現。”影片將于7月16日在印度全國上映。
Ridley Scott to produce Youtube documentary 《角斗士》導演監制Youtube紀錄片
Hollywood directors Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald will pull together video from YouTube users for a documentary called "Life in a Day." The documentary will select footage from 20 people around the world who capture moments of their daily lives on July 24. Macdonald will direct the documentary and Scott will produce. 好萊塢導演雷德利?斯科特和凱文?麥克唐納將利用Youtube用戶提供的素材制作一部名為《一日生活》的記錄片。全世界20個人拍攝的素材將選入此片,他們將捕捉其7月24號日常生活的某些時刻。麥克唐納將執導此片,斯科特任制片。
Netherlands vs. Spain preview 決賽看點:橙衣軍團如何對陣斗牛士
Netherlands will play Spain in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final, the world's greatest sporting event, which will be held at the Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa on July 11, 2010. A European team is thus guaranteed to be world champions for the first time at a World Cup held outside Europe. 荷蘭隊將在世界杯決賽中對陣西班牙隊。這場足球盛宴將于當地時間7月11日在南非約翰內斯堡的足球城體育場展開。這次注定有一支歐洲球隊將在歐洲之外舉辦的世界杯上贏得冠軍。
There are two other firsts as well in this final. Neither team has previously won the World Cup, so there will be a new name on the trophy. And, perhaps more remarkably, these two teams have never played each other either in the World Cup or European Championship. 本次決賽還有兩項“第一次”。這兩支球隊之前從未獲得過世界杯冠軍,所以將有一個新的名字第一次出現在世界杯冠軍獎杯上。另外一點更值得關注,那就是這兩支球隊從未在世界杯或者歐洲杯上交戰過,這是他們在世界杯上的第一次“碰撞”。
World's biggest tent opens 世界最大帳篷建成開放
The Guardian reports that the world's largest tent opened in Kazakhstan's capital city Astana. The Khan Shatyr, a 100,000 square meter complex, is a city within a city, with shops, restaurants, cinemas, a water park, botanical garden, mini-golf course and monorail. Temperatures in Astana regularly dip well below -30C in winter. The tent will provide locals with an escape from the chill. 英國《衛報》報道,世界上最大的帳篷日前在哈薩克斯坦首府阿斯塔納對外開放。這座被稱為“可汗沙特爾”的帳篷實際上是一個大型休閑娛樂中心。它占地十萬平方米,內設商店﹑餐館﹑電影院﹑水上公園﹑植物園﹑小型高爾夫球場以及單軌鐵路,可謂是城中之城。阿斯塔納冬天氣溫多在零下30℃以下,這座大帳篷正好為當地居民提供了一處絕佳的避寒之地。
For kids, more sleep, much happier 孩子多睡半小時 益處多多
Giving teenagers a half hour extra sleep before school each day dramatically improves their behavior, a study by researchers of Hasbro Children's Hospital, Rhode Island, has found. Researchers say even 30 minutes can make a big difference because teens tend to be in their deepest sleep around dawn - when they typically need to get up for school. Interrupting that sleep can leave them groggy. Youngsters who had 30 minutes more shut-eye were more alert and in a better mood in class.




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