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black brick kiln

黑磚窯 black brick kiln

?????? 5月21日,河北省衡水市警方查抄了一個黑磚窯black brick kiln),解救被困外地農民工migrant workers)34人。窯主the kiln's owner/kiln boss)、工頭foreman)、監工supervisor/taskmaster)等11名犯罪嫌疑人已被刑事拘留,他們涉嫌采用毆打beatings)、電擊electric shocks)、恐嚇threats)、限制自由confinement)等手段強迫農民工從事超時重體力勞動,并扣押工資。(5月30日《燕趙都市報》)

?????? “黑磚窯”一詞并不陌生,2007年曝出的的山西黑磚窯事件曾經震撼了全中國。“黑磚窯”指的是那些非法拘禁并強迫農民工從事危重勞動、非法收買和使用被拐騙兒童、惡意拖欠工資和侵占他人財產的磚窯,它們用暴力強迫這些民工及童工到磚窯當苦工,每天工作時間長達14小時到16小時,而且不給工資報酬。

?????? 請看相關報道:

Black brick kilns with slave-like laborers have resurfaced in China, as 34 migrant workers were set free by a police raid in Hebei province, local media reported on Sunday.

A total of 11 suspects including the kiln's owner and foremen are under criminal detention, local police told the Hebei-based Yanzhao Metropolis Daily. The investigation is ongoing.


The case in Hebei revived the public's memories of the notorious "black brick kilns" that caused outcry nationwide three years earlier.

In 2007, brick kilns in Shanxi and Henan provinces were found to be illegally confining teenage workers and forcing them into heavy labor. Some workers were seriously injured by foremen's beatings at these workplaces dubbed "black brick kilns" by Chinese media.

——Excerpt from Kiln using slave labor raided in Hebei

China sentenced a man to death and jailed another 28 people for up to life on Tuesday for their roles in a massive slavery and child labour scandal involving scorching brickworks in Shanxi Province.

The owners, managers and thugs at the prison-like kilns which the Chinese media said numbered in the hundreds in the northern province of Shanxi were convicted of charges including forced labour and illegal detention, an official said.

Zhao Yanbing received the death penalty from the Linfen Intermediate People's Court for accidentally killing a worker on a "black brick kiln" in Hongtong county, at the centre of the scandal.

The court also deprived off his political rights.

The slave labor scandal erupted last month after hundreds of parents complained their children were being forced to work in brick kilns in Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.

——Excerpt from Man gets death for kiln slavery

?????? (來源:中國網學英語頻道

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