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the Internet of Things

       物聯網的概念是在1999年提出的,其英文名稱為"The Internet of Things",簡稱:IOT。由該名稱可見,物聯網就是“物物相連的互聯網”。這有兩層意思:第一,物聯網的核心和基礎仍然是互聯網,是在互聯網基礎之上的延伸和擴展的一種網絡;第二,其用戶端延伸和擴展到了任何物品與物品之間,進行信息交換和通信。因此,物聯網的定義是通過射頻識別RFID, radio frequency identification)裝置、紅外感應器、全球定位系統、激光掃描器等信息傳感設備,按約定的協議,把任何物品與互聯網相連接,進行信息交換和通信,以實現智能化識別、定位、跟蹤、監控和管理的一種網絡。

In computing, the Internet of Things refers to a network of objects, such as household appliances. It is often a self-configuring wireless network. The concept of the internet of things is attributed to the original Auto-ID Center, founded in 1999 and based at the time in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).




We will foster emerging industries of strategic importance. The global financial crisis is hastening the birth of a new technological and industrial revolution. It is of decisive importance for the future of our country that we develop emerging industries of strategic importance and capture the economic, scientific and technological high ground; therefore, we must seize opportunities, identify priorities, and achieve results. We need to vigorously develop new energy sources, new materials, energy conservation, environmental protection, biomedicine, information networks, and high-end manufacturing industries. We will make substantive progress in developing motor vehicles powered by new energy sources and in integrating telecommunications networks, cable television networks, and the Internet, and accelerate R&D in and application of the Internet of Things. We will also increase investment in and policy support for emerging industries of strategic importance.

—— Excerpt from Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government

The Internet of Things, or the sensor web, is a network of real-world objects linked by the Internet and interacting through web services. Technologies such as radio frequency identification and sensors were the basis of the network.

According to the International Telecommunication Union, in the future world, the Internet of Things, by embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a wide array of additional gadgets and everyday items, enables new forms of communication between people and things, and between things themselves.

The Internet of Things is considered as the third wave in information industry since the introduction of computers and Internet.

—— Excerpt from China taps into Internet of Things world


Pet Name
- 三網融合
- 網絡監督
- 網絡釣魚
- 網絡安全
- 落后產能
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