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integration of telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks

?????? 2010年1月13日,國務院常務會議決定加快推進電信網、廣播電視網、互聯網三網融合integration of telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks/integration of telecom, broadcasting and Internet networks),并審議通過了推進三網融合的總體方案。

?????? 日前,中共中央政治局委員、國務院副總理張德江在參觀“2010年中國國際廣播電視信息網絡展覽會”時也強調,要加快推進三網融合取得實質性進展。

File photo: China is expected to make substantial progress in integrating telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks this year. 
File photo: China is expected to make substantial progress in integrating telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks this year.

?????? 三網融合工作分為兩個階段進行。2010年至2012年為試點pilot)階段,2013年至2015年為推廣階段。

Pilot projects should be carried out to connect telecommunications, radio and TV, and Internet networks from 2010 to 2012. Based on the pilot projects, other projects should be established to connect the three networks comprehensively from 2013 to 2015.

?????? 請看相關報道:

China is expected to make substantial progress in integrating telecom, radio and TV, and Internet networks this year. The aim is to promote the development of all three sectors and domestic consumption in related industries.

At this year's China Content Broadcasting Network, or CCBN, integration of the three networks is the main topic for almost every exhibitor. They say the Chinese government's message to develop this sector has been clearer than ever. There is no reason not to tap into this market.

In the next two years, China will carry out pilot programs to connect telecom, Internet, and TV and Radio networks. After that, the three networks will be comprehensively connected by 2015.

—— Excerpt from China to unify telecom, TV and internet

The central government's pilot scheme for integrating telecom, broadcasting and Internet networks will be issued in May and initiated in June.

Currently, telecom and internet networks are amalgamating successfully, but how to integrate the three networks remains an unsolved problem.

—— Excerpt from Network convergence

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