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ChiNext stock market

?????? 創業板市場ChiNext stock market),顧名思義,著眼于創業,是為了適應自主創新企業及其他成長型創業企業發展需要而設立的市場。各國對此的稱呼不一,有的叫成長板,有的叫新市場,有的叫證券交易商報價系統,比如美國的納斯達克、英國的AIM等。與主板市場main board market)只接納成熟的、已形成足夠規模的企業上市不同,創業板以自主創新企業及其他成長型創業企業為服務對象,具有上市門檻低,信息披露監管嚴格等特點,它的成長性和市場風險均要高于主板。

ChiNext is an important component of China's multi-tier capital market system. As an independent market, ChiNext offers a new capital platform tailor-made for the needs of enterprises engaged in independent innovation and other growing venture enterprises. The difference between ChiNext and the main board lies in their mechanisms of financing, investment and risk management for issuers at various stages of development, rather than simply the sizes.

?????? 請看中國網有關溫家寶總理2010年政府工作報告(全文)的雙語登載:

?????? 重點領域和關鍵環節改革加快推進。增值稅轉型全面實施。成品油價格和稅費改革順利推進,新的成品油價格形成機制規范運行。國家開發銀行商業化轉型和農業銀行股份制改革扎實推進,跨境貿易人民幣結算試點啟動實施。創業板正式推出,為自主創新及其他成長型創業企業開辟了新的融資渠道。


We accelerated reform in key areas and links. We comprehensively carried out VAT reform. The reform of the prices of refined oil products and taxes and fees on them was implemented smoothly, and a new mechanism for pricing them worked well. We made solid progress in commercializing the China Development Bank and introducing the joint stock system in the Agricultural Bank of China, and launched a pilot project to use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade. The ChiNext stock market was officially launched, which opened a new financing channel for enterprises based on independent innovation and other growth enterprises.

—— Excerpt from Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government

China held a launching ceremony Friday for its Nasdaq-style market, ChiNext, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

The first batch of 28 selected firms will make their debut on Oct. 30 on the Shenzhen-based exchange.

The growth enterprise market (GEM) will boost start-ups of high technology and high growth, said Shang Fulin, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, at the launching ceremony.

It could help channel social resources to competitive new-born sectors and innovative enterprises, Shang said.

Zuo Xiaolei, chief economist with the Galaxy Securities, told Xinhua that the launch of ChiNext is a historic event in China's capital market and it defines the multi-layer development pattern of the country's capital market.

—— Excerpt from China launches Nasdaq-style market

?????? (來源:中國網學英語頻道

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