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??????? 要想準確而生動地運用各種顏色詞把原文中色彩斑斕的世界重新展現在讀者面前,使讀者有身臨其境之感,譯者的確需要認真“察言觀色”,努力再現原文中的色彩。遇到詞匯空白和文化鴻溝時,要采取靈活的補救措施,使原文與譯文相協調,使讀者真正欣賞原作的色彩和意境。一般說來,顏色詞有以下幾種譯法:

???????A. 把英語顏色詞譯成與之相應的漢語顏色詞。如果英語顏色詞與漢語顏色詞在詞義上相同,就可采用這種直譯的方法。例如:

???????(1)The sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, and the valleys were purple with something deeper than aster.


???????(2)His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white.


???????(3)The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself was panting.


???????(4)The clear, sharp cloven Carrara mountains sent up their steadfast flame of marble summit into amber sky.


???????(5)The leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches.


???????B. 改換英語顏色詞。如一種顏色在兩種語言中分別被不同的顏色詞所指稱,而直譯會導致讀者不正確的聯想或是不為譯入語的讀者所接受,這時可改換顏色詞,使之符合譯入語的表達習慣。例如:

???????(1)The floor was covered with ochre-colored sawdust, trampled here and there into mud.


???????(2)The sun shining on her glossy hair, gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color, dark bronze or black.


???????(3)Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace and rich apparel all belong to the humming-bird. The emerald, the ruby, and the topaz gleam upon its dress.


???????(4)His face became blue with cold.


???????(5)She dressed in a very short creamy skirt that day.


???????C. 原文中無顏色詞,譯文中增加顏色詞。有時譯文可根據具體語境添增色彩詞以突出色彩,加強譯文的感染力。

???????(1)And over all these, set close against the golden hair and burning cheek of lady and knight is that untroubled and sacred sky.


???????(2)He didn't try in vain.


???????(3)Her eyes became moist.


???????(4)It is like a windfall, like a Godsend, like an unexpected piece of luck.


???????D. 原文顏色詞有象征意義或意義有所引申,一般采用意譯靈活處理。例如:

???????(1)You look blue today. What's wrong with you?


???????(2)He is green with jealousy.


???????(3)He is a blue-blooded man.


???????(4)Her story immediately reminded me of a Chinese saying "The young beautiful lady will always be star-crossed."



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