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fuel surcharge

?????? 從4月6日零時起,國航(Air China)、深航(Shenzhen Airlines)、川航(Sichuan Airlines)、海航(Hainan Airlines)、金鹿航空(Deer Air)、大新華航空(Grand China Air)等航空公司正式下調國內航線domestic airline/route)燃油附加費,800千米以上航段燃油附加費jet fuel surcharge,我們這里說的是“航空燃油附加費”)由50元降為40元,800千米(含)以下航段不變,仍為20元。

?????? 航空公司這一變動是根據最新國內航線旅客運輸燃油附加單位收取率jet fuel surcharge unit rate on domestic routes)計算得出的。3月31日,國家發改委(NDRC, the National Development and Reform Commission)和民航局(CAAC, the Civil Aviation Administration of China)公布,燃油附加費的收取率從0.002908降至0.002818,與調整前相比,燃油附加單位收取率jet fuel surcharge unit rate)降低了3.1%。調整后的燃油附加單位收取率執行時間為2010年4月1日至2011年3月31日。

?????? 請看相關報道:

Six domestic airlines will lower jet fuel surcharges to 40 yuan (US$5.86) from 50 yuan today on domestic routes for adult passengers who travel more than 800 kilometers while the fee will remain at 20 yuan for routes 800 kilometers or shorter.

Air China, Shenzhen Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Hainan Airlines, Deer Air and Grand China Air are the first group to announce they would trim the surcharge after the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, reduced the fees and jet fuel costs last Thursday.

—— Excerpt from NDRC step spurs 6 airlines' fuel fee cut

?????? 有關燃油附加費的征收在交通運輸業也一度有著起起落落。2009年11月25日,出租車燃油附加費taxi fuel surcharge)正式開收。乘客乘坐出租汽車超過3公里(基價公里)的,每乘次在計價器顯示金額外加付1元燃油附加費。請看報道:

Beijing's 66,000 taxis Wednesday started to charge a 1-yuan (14.6 U.S. cents) fuel surcharge when the meter hits 3 km, according to municipal authorities.

The surcharge would almost offset the cost increase brought about by rising fuel prices, said taxi driver Cui Hongli.

The taxi fuel surcharge is pegged with the price of benchmark No. 93 fuel. When it reaches 6.5 yuan to 7.1 yuan per liter, a surcharge of 1 yuan is adopted, according to a statement jointly issued by Beijing traffic, pricing, taxing and financing authorities.

—— Excerpt from Taxis in Beijing begin to charge fuel surcharge

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