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Obama's speech at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
奧巴馬在上海科技館的演講及與中國青年的對話 [視頻/音頻]

U.S. President Barack Obama arrives at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum to deliver a speech at a dialogue with Chinese youth during his four-day state visit to China, Nov. 16, 2009. [Pei Xin/Xinhua]

Q: I want to pose a question from the Internet. I want to thank you, Mr. President, for visiting China in your first year in office, and exchange views with us in China. I want to know what are you bringing to China, your visit to China this time, and what will you bring back to the United States?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: The main purpose of my trip is to deepen my understanding of China and its vision for the future. I have had several meetings now with President Hu. We participated together in the G20 that was dealing with the economic financial crisis. We have had consultations about a wide range of issues. But I think it's very important for the United States to continually deepen its understanding of China, just as it's important for China to continually deepen its understanding of the United States. [奧巴馬]好。這次訪問的主要目的就是加深我對中國和中國對未來的愿景的理解。我已經和胡主席進行了幾次會晤,我們一起參加20國峰會,就是應對金融危機,另外,我們就范圍廣泛的問題也進行了磋商。但是我認為很重要的是美國要繼續不斷地加深對中國的了解,同樣中國不斷加深對美國的了解也是重要的。
In terms of what I'd like to get out of this meeting, or this visit, in addition to having the wonderful opportunity to see the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, and to meet with all of you -- these are all highlights -- but in addition to that, the discussions that I intend to have with President Hu speak to the point that Ambassador Huntsman made earlier, which is there are very few global challenges that can be solved unless the United States and China agree. 至于我這次會晤希望有什么成果或者訪問的成果,除了能夠看紫禁城和長城這么偉大古跡的好機會,還有會見各位,所有這些都是我此次訪問的一些高潮和亮點。除此以外,我打算和胡主席談到一些問題,也就是洪大使提到的一點,世界上只有美中兩國一致,才能夠解決一些全球性的挑戰。
So let me give you a specific example, and that is the issue we were just discussing of climate change. The United States and China are the world's two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, of carbon that is causing the planet to warm. Now, the United States, as a highly developed country, as I said before, per capita, consumes much more energy and emits much more greenhouse gases for each individual than does China. On the other hand, China is growing at a much faster pace and it has a much larger population. So unless both of our countries are willing to take critical steps in dealing with this issue, we will not be able to resolve it. 我舉個例子來說,剛才談到的氣候變化問題。美國和中國是世界上最大的兩個溫室氣體的排放者,也就是造成全球變暖的因素。那么美國作為一個高度發達國家,就像剛才說的,從人均來講,人均消耗的能源多得多,排放的溫室氣體按人均來算比中國多得多,但是中國增長速度快得多,人口多得多,所以除非我們兩個國家都愿意采取一些關鍵的步驟來應對這個問題,否則我們就無法解決這個問題。

There's going to be a Copenhagen conference in December in which world leaders are trying to find a recipe so that we can all make commitments that are differentiated so each country would not have the same obligations -- obviously China, which has much more poverty, should not have to do exactly the same thing as the United States -- but all of us should have these certain obligations in terms of what our plan will be to reduce these greenhouse gases.

So that's an example of what I hope to get out of this meeting -- a meeting of the minds between myself and President Hu about how together the United States and China can show leadership. Because I will tell you, other countries around the world will be waiting for us. They will watch to see what we do. And if they say, ah, you know, the United States and China, they're not serious about this, then they won't be serious either. That is the burden of leadership that both of our countries now carry. And my hope is, is that the more discussion and dialogue that we have, the more we are able to show this leadership to the world on these many critical issues. Okay? 這只是一個例子,我希望會晤的成果,就是我和胡主席能夠就美中兩國怎么共同發揮領導作用而達成一致。我可以告訴各位,甚至很多其他國家都將等著我們。他們要看我們做什么,他們要說,“你看美國、中國他們對這個并不認真,那我們也不會認真”。那兩個國家就要承擔做領導的責任。所以我們越是能夠討論這個問題,越是能夠向全世界展現在這些問題上的領導作用。
All right, it's a -- I think it must be a boy's turn now. Right? So I'll call on this young man right here. 好吧,我想現在輪到男士。

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