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Obama's speech at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
奧巴馬在上??萍拣^的演講及與中國青年的對話 [視頻/音頻]

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a speech at a dialogue with Chinese youth at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum during his four-day state visit to China, Nov. 16, 2009.[Pei Xin/Xinhua]

So -- I just want to make sure this works. This is a tradition, by the way, that is very common in the United States at these town hall meetings. And what we're going to do is I will just -- if you are interested in asking a question, you can raise your hands. I will call on you. And then I will alternate between a question from the audience and an Internet question from one of the students who prepared the questions, as well as I think Ambassador Huntsman may have a question that we were able to obtain from the Web site of our embassy. 順便說一句,這在美國是非常常見的傳統——舉行這種市政會議,我現在要做的就是如果你有興趣提問的話請舉手,我會說請你提問。我會讓在座的觀眾問一個問題,然后再讓這些學生代表以及洪大使從網上代為提問。 
So let me begin, though, by seeing -- and then what I'll do is I'll call on a boy and then a girl and then -- so we'll go back and forth, so that you know it's fair. All right? So I'll start with this young lady right in the front. Why don't we wait for this microphone so everyone can hear you? And what's your name? 我先找個男生再找一個女生,來回這么找,讓大家知道我是公平的。這位小女孩你來開始吧。請等一下我給你話筒。
Q: My name is Cheng Xi and I am a student from Fudan University. Shanghai and Chicago have been sister cities since 1985, and these two cities have conduct a wide range of economic, political, and cultural exchanges. So what measures will you take to deepen this close relationship between cities of the United States and China? And Shanghai will hold the World Exposition next year. Will you bring your family to visit the Expo? Thank you. [現場提問]我叫程熙,我是復旦大學的學生,上海和芝加哥從1985年開始就是姐妹城市,這兩個城市進行過各種經貿、文化、政治交流,你現在采取什么措施來加深美國和中國城市之間的關系?世博會明年將在上海舉行,你是否準備參加世博會呢?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, thank you very much for the question. I was just having lunch before I came here with the Mayor of Shanghai, and he told me that he has had an excellent relationship with the city of Chicago -- my home town -- that he's visited there twice. And I think it's wonderful to have these exchanges between cities. [奧巴馬]非常感謝你的問題。我在來之前和上海的市長共進午餐,他和我說他跟芝加哥,也就是我的家鄉有著很好的關系,他兩度訪問芝加哥。我認為城市間有這種交流非常非常好。
One of the things that I discussed with the Mayor is how both cities can learn from each other on strategies around clean energy, because one of the issues that ties China and America together is how, with an expanding population and a concern for climate change, that we're able to reduce our carbon footprint. And obviously in the United States and many developed countries, per capita, per individual, they are already using much more energy than each individual here in China. But as China grows and expands, it's going to be using more energy as well. So both countries have a great interest in finding new strategies. 我剛才和韓市長談的問題之一就是我們這些城市如何可以彼此進行交流,比如就潔凈能源的策略進行交流。因為美中兩國共同面對的問題就是我們如何在人口增長的過程中,又解決氣候變化的問題,同時減少我們二氧化碳的排放。很顯然,在美國以及在很多發達國家,人均能耗量都比中國的人均能耗量大。不過在中國成長的過程中,能耗量會增加,因此,我們找到新的戰略,這符合我們兩國的利益。
We talked about mass transit and the excellent rail lines that are being developed in Shanghai. I think we can learn in Chicago and the United States some of the fine work that's being done on high-speed rail. 我們剛才談了大眾捷運,我知道上海和其他城市之間就有這種快軌,我相信美國以及芝加哥可以在這種快軌方面向中國學習。
In the United States, I think we are learning how to develop buildings that use much less energy, that are much more energy-efficient. And I know that with Shanghai, as I traveled and I saw all the cranes and all the new buildings that are going up, it's very important for us to start incorporating these new technologies so that each building is energy-efficient when it comes to lighting, when it comes to heating. And so it's a terrific opportunity I think for us to learn from each other. 而在美國我們也在學習如何建造這種綠色建筑,當然,在上海我看到有很多的吊車,很多的建筑在蓋起來。因此在這些新的技術上我們進行合作是非常非常重要的,使得我們每一個建筑在采光、取暖等等方面都能減少能耗,使能源效率更高,這方面是我們兩國可以相互學習的。
I know this is going to be a major focus of the Shanghai World Expo, is the issue of clean energy, as I learned from the Mayor. And so I would love to attend. I'm not sure yet what my schedule is going to be, but I'm very pleased that we're going to have an excellent U.S. pavilion at the Expo, and I understand that we expect as many as 70 million visitors here. So it's going to be very crowded and it's going to be very exciting. 我知道上海世博會的焦點之一就是提高能效的問題,剛才韓市長跟我講了這個問題,我將非常樂于參加上海世博會。當然,我現在不知道那時候我的時間安排怎么樣,不過我感到非常高興上海世博會將有我們的美國館,我們知道現在參觀世博會的人會有七千萬人。
Chicago has had two world expos in its history, and both of those expos ended up being tremendous boosts for the city. So I'm sure the same thing will happen here in Shanghai. Thank you. 芝加哥已經舉辦過兩次世博會,這兩次世博會都給我們芝加哥帶來了巨大的好處,我希望上海情況也是如此。謝謝。

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