
Festivals >>

Beijing Fringe Festival: Carmen (Spanish)

Beijing Fringe Festival: Carmen (Spanish)

Hours: 19:30, Sept. 13-14
Place:  Beijing Oriental Pioneer Theatre 
Tickets: 40/80/120

- Oct. 12-Nov. 6: Fragrant Hills Red Leaves Festival

- German Fresh Beer Festival opens in Beijing

Exhibitions >>

Hao Shiming's Art Exhibition

Nov.-Dec.: Hao Shiming's Art Exhibition

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 21:00 p.m., Nov. - Dec.
Venue: Hilton Beijing
Entry: Free

- Sept.-Nov.: Beijing on the Move

- Paintings and calligraphy on display at group show

Activities >>

Food Walk through the Hutongs

Nov.: Food Walk through the Hutongs

While strolling through the hutongs you get to sample more then 15 traditional Beijing and China snacks.

- Comedy Night @ Zeta Bar

- Oct: Wild Great Wall Tour

Stages & Concerts >>

Kongfu Show: Shichahai

Kongfu Show: Shichahai

Hours: 19:30-20:45; Daily
Place: Shichahai Theatre
Tickets: 180/280/380

- Dec. 17: Valen Hsu 2011 Beijing Concert

- Everyday: "Magic Music Box" - Acrobatics!