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(v.) to confront each other
(n.) standoff, confrontation

Police officers in a standoff with a gunman in Guangzhou's Baiyun district, June 3, 2010.
Police officers in a standoff with a gunman in Guangzhou's Baiyun district, June 3, 2010.

?????? 廣州警方披露,昨天(6月3日)上午廣州白云區京溪派出所民警在會同街道工作人員清查轄區銀興路某住宅時,屋內一名年約40歲的男子突然從房間沖出,從身后拿出一支手槍對民警先后開了兩槍fire two shots),擊傷一名民警。在場民警迅速調集警力封鎖現場,雙方一度展開對峙standoff/confrontation),特警最終在晚上將該名負隅頑抗的男子擊斃shoot sb. dead)。

?????? 請看相關報道:

It was right out of a Hollywood gangster movie: A man with a home-made pistol shoots a senior police officer and holds off a well-equipped police team for 10 hours before he is shot dead.

According to a police news release, when local police officers and community staff were doing a routine inspection of rented accommodation - typically to check for suspicious activity - Chen Guosheng, a man in his 40s living in one of the fifth-floor apartments, suddenly pulled out a pistol and fired two shots at around 10:20 am.

Witnesses said police fired shots into the sky after securing the area but the suspect was not cowed.

After confronting the police for about three hours, Chen Guosheng was cornered in a room at about 1:30 pm.

But then began another seven hours of a standoff, at end of which gun shots and explosions were heard.

The denouement came at around 8 pm, when police fired teargas, broke open the door to the room and shot him. Police declared him dead 15 minutes later.

There were at least two other versions on how the shootout started earlier in the day:

One is that Chen drew his pistol to resist the attempts of the landlord who sought the help of police to get him to vacate the apartment.

The other, according to neighbor Zhang Chunyan, was that the landlord found a gun in the apartment rented by the man and called the police, which led to the confrontation.

——Excerpt from Gunman killed by police after 10-hr standoff

?????? (來源:中國網學英語頻道

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