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Journalism competition held in Beijing

By Wu Wanfei & Chen Ran
China.org.cn staff reporters

The Third Capital University Basic Journalism Competition of the Baotian Cup and University Media Cultural Festival is held on May 22 at the CUPL Changping campus. “保田杯”第三屆首都大學生記者基本功大賽暨高校傳媒文化節于5月22日在中國政法大學昌平校區舉行。
The Third Capital University Basic Journalism Competition of the Baotian Cup and University Media Cultural Festival is held on May 22 at the CUPL Changping campus.

China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) beat out nine other universities to claim the team-champion award in a 7-stage journalism competition held on May 22 at the CUPL Changping campus. 首都大學生記者基本功大賽于5月22日在中國政法大學昌平校區舉行。通過七個環節的比拼,中國政法大學在十所高校中脫穎而出,獲得團體冠軍。
The competition was overseen by the Peking University Campus Newspaper Seminar and organized by the CUPL publicity office. 本次比賽由北京高校校報研究會主辦,中國政法大學黨委宣傳部(新聞中心)承辦。
Officially called the Third Capital University Basic Journalism Competition of the Baotian Cup and University Media Cultural Festival, it required students to compete in seven journalism-skill categories: accuracy in reporting; eloquence and poise; news commentary; performance under deadline; photojournalism; courage in reporting; and one-on-one interviews. 在“保田杯”第三屆首都大學生記者基本功大賽暨高校傳媒文化節中,選手需要通過以下七個比賽環節一爭高低:“去偽存真”環節的新聞語句改錯、“出口成章”環節的擬定新聞短標題、“時事評論”環節的時事新聞評論、“生死時速”環節的激烈搶答、現場新聞評論的“圖說現場”、“勇往直前”的專業問題自由選答以及模擬“人物面對面”現場專訪。
Li Tiezheng, council chairman of the Peking University Campus Newspaper Seminar, said being a responsible and qualified journalist is a vital issue, and every journalist must adhere to high standards. He added that these days anyone can be a propagator, but good journalists have a duty to search for and report the truth. 北京高校校報研究會理事長李鐵錚表示,做一個有責任感的合格記者非常重要,每名記者都必須以高標準要求自己。在當今人人都是傳播者的時代,稱職的記者有責任去挖掘、報道實情。
In the team competition, Beijing Forestry University took second place, and the University of International Business and Economics came in the third. The other participating schools were Peking University, Renmin University, Beijing Normal University, the Communication University of China, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Language and Culture University, and China Youth University for Political Science. Also, 12 other universities were on hand to observe. 在團體比賽中,北京林業大學和對外經濟貿易大學分別獲得了亞軍和季軍。此外,參賽的學校還包括:北京大學、中國人民大學、北京師范大學、中國傳媒大學、北京航空航天大學、北京語言大學和中國青年政治學院,另有十二所高校派隊觀摩了比賽。
Some well-known scholars, journalists and editors judged the competition, but their identities are secret. 擔任此次比賽評委的嘉賓有知名學者、高級記者以及一些主編、總編。
This was the third event that has transformed from a single competition to a pageant of university media communication. In contrast to the two prior, this one included an exhibition of award-winning reporting and photojournalism. In addition, teachers and students interacted with scholars and working journalists in a media forum and a campus newspaper seminar. 今年的比賽已從原本單一的擂臺賽發展成為首都高校傳媒交流的盛會和節日。與以往兩屆比賽有所不同的是,本屆大賽在舉辦高校記者基本功擂臺賽的同一時期內,還舉辦新聞稿件優秀作品展和新聞攝影優秀作品展。此外,還通過高校傳媒論壇、高校校報研討會等一系列活動,為北京各大參賽高校的師生與知名學者、傳媒界的知名人士搭建了一個互動交流的平臺。
Organizers hope the event will give students a stage to hone their talents and exposure to working journalists who can serve as role models and mentors. 舉辦方希望通過此次大賽為廣大高校學生記者提供一個鍛煉自我的舞臺,同時為加強他們與真正新聞工作者的接觸提供了有效渠道。這些新聞工作者不僅僅為他們樹立了榜樣,而且也會是他們職業道路上的良師。

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