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Education costs a heavy burden for Chinese families

By Chen Chen
China.org.cn staff reporter

Nearly half the families interviewed said their biggest difficulty in life is paying for their children's education. 在所有受訪者中,接近一半的人稱生活中最大的困難是子女的教育支出。
Nearly half the families interviewed said their biggest difficulty in life is paying for their children's education.

Children's education, low income and health care are the three biggest worries for Chinese families, according to a report published by China's Women's Federation on May 15, the International Day of Families. 據中國婦聯5月15日(國際家庭日)發布的一份調查報告顯示,子女教育費用高、家庭收入低以及家人生病是困擾中國家庭的三大問題。?
Nearly half the families interviewed said their biggest difficulty in life is paying for their children's education. Two fifths said their low incomes forced them to lead a hand to mouth existence. And a third have family members who are seriously ill and face the burden of medical costs. 在所有受訪者中,接近一半的人稱生活中最大的困難是子女的教育支出,百分之四十認為他們的家庭收入低,生活窘迫,還有三分之一的家庭家中有病人,因此要承擔沉重的醫療負擔。
When asked what types of help families need, more than half said help with children's education, 40 percent said help finding a job, and a third said provision of community health services. 當被問及家庭需要哪些幫助時,一半以上受訪者認為他們需要子女教育咨詢服務,40%的人需要找工作,而三分之一的人選擇社區醫療服務。
Talking about problems between husbands and wives, nearly 70 percent of husbands and more than 70 percent of wives said unfaithfulness was the most intolerable fault in a partner. More than 60 percent of couples are satisfied with their marriages. But only 40 percent of couples pool their incomes and manage their finances together. 涉及夫妻間相處的問題,接近70%的丈夫以及超過70%的妻子認為對感情不忠是夫妻間最不能容忍的缺點。超過60%的夫妻認為自己感情穩定,夫妻關系良好,但只有40%的夫妻稱共同管理他們的財產。
Supporting the old is seen as a major obligation of Chinese families. Mistreating the old was identified by 97 percent of those interviewed as the most reprehensible behavior. But most people complain their incomes are insufficient to adequately support the old. Many also worry about being able to afford their aging relatives' medical bills. Some younger people also admit they are too busy to take care of their parents.


(China.org.cn 陳琛 譯)

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