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China eyeing to boost 3-D industry

3-D industry standards will be the main issue of the 5th China International 3-D World Forum and Exhibition to be held on April 9.
3-D industry standards will be the main issue of the 5th China International 3-D World Forum and Exhibition to be held on April 9.

隨著3D產業進入一個嶄新的時代,中國正在謀求從規范產業標準入手來確立本國在未來國際3D產業中的地位。 As the 3-D industry enters into a new era, China is mulling over standards for its 3-D industry to ensure its place as a global leader in the future.?
3D產業標準將是第五屆中國國際立體視像產業論壇的主要議題。屆時中國各部委官員將出席論壇,就3D產業發展趨勢、3D顯示技術及系統研究等內容展開討論,并就盡快推動我國3D產業標準出臺建言獻策。 3-D industry standards will be the main issue of the 5th China International 3-D World Forum and Exhibition to be held on April 9. Government officials and industry leaders will meet to discuss the industry's development, 3-D technologies and research in the field, planning to make proposals for standards to the government as soon as possible.
該標準尤其與中國新興的3D電視制造商有關,因為他們正與勁敵日本和韓國競爭。TCL在2008年生產了一款3D電視機,無需特殊的眼鏡就可以觀看。其他如海信、長虹、康佳等公司還開發了3D電視,在2010年初,創維推出了3D LED電視. The standards will be especially relevant for China's burgeoning 3-D television makers as they try to compete with leaders Japan and South Korea. TCL introduced China's first 3-D television that didn't need special viewing glasses in 2008. Other big market players like Hisense, Changhong and Konka have also developed 3-D televisions, and in early 2010, Skyworth unveiled its 3-D LED television.
中國立體視像產業聯盟秘書長唐斌表示,目前最大的問題是中國不能為此類型的電視生產足夠的內容。TCL電視目前僅用于廣州和深圳機場。 Tang Bin, secretary general of China 3-D Industry Association, said the biggest problem is that China cannot produce enough content for this kind of television. TCL's television is currently used only in Guangzhou and Shenzhen airports.
除娛樂業外,3D技術還可以應用于醫療、軍事科研、航空和教育等領域。 Besides entertainment, 3-D technologies can be applied to fields such as medical, military research, aviation and education.

The forum will be held April 9 to 11 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. It will feature an interactive exhibit where visitors can learn about the technologies used to make Avatar and how to convert 2-D videos into 3-D videos.

(China.org.cn by Pang Li, April 6, 2010)

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