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commitment 的譯法


??? 美國約翰遜總統(tǒng)在美國教育周的文告中說 In the last decade, however, we have sought to fulfill the goal with greater zeal, greater commitment, and greater success than at any period in our history,句中的 commitment 一字,不知應如何譯法,因字典上的解釋似乎都不適用呢。


??? commitment 是動詞 commit 變來的名詞,意義有:

1)犯,行,作,如 commit a crime(犯罪),commit a blunder犯錯),commit adultery(通奸),commit murder(殺人),commit suicide(自殺)等。

2)委托,付諸,如 commit a thing to a friend for safekeeping(托友保管一物),commit some funds to the care of trustees (委托資金于保管委員),commit a body to the earthflames(埋葬)(火葬),commit a bill(議會將議案交付委員審查),commit thoughts to writing(將想法寫出來),commit something to memory(暗記某事),commit a man to prison (將一人下獄),Liu Bei committed his son to the care of Zhuge Liang(劉備托孤于諸葛亮),The man was committed to a lunatic asylum(那人已被送入瘋人院)等。

3)承擔,如 If you agreed to give a number of lectures, help to pay your brother's school expenses, and give your wife $500 a year for clothes, you have quite a lot of commitments.(如果你同意去作一連串的講演,答應給弟弟的學費,又說定給太太每年五百元添置新衣,那么,你就承擔了不少的義務。)

4)(由束縛身體之意轉為)牽累,陷入,獻身(devote oneself wholly to),如 Do not commit yourself(勿自陷累,不要束縛自己),commit oneself to a promise(受諾言的拘束),He would not commit himself in any way(他不愿受任何方面的約束。)He has committed himself to the cause of education(他獻身于教育事業(yè)。)

??? 上面第四種解釋,正是問題中所需要的。全句可譯作:

“在過去十年中,我們比歷史上任何時期都力求更加熱心地,更加獻身地,更加成功地來達到這個目標?!?span lang="EN-US">

??? 新加坡的李光耀總理為新加坡人所下的定義說:

A Singaporean is a person who feels committed to upholding society as it is multi-racial, tolerant, accommodating, forward-looking and who is prepared to stake his life for the community. (一個新加坡人就是一個對現(xiàn)存的多元種族、容忍互助而又高瞻遠矚的社會,以獻身的精神來支持它,并準備為它付出生命的人。)

??? 句中用了 committed 一字,報紙上把它譯成“獻身的”,是譯得很正確的。

I believe that both candidates should make it absolutely clear that they share a basic commitment to the success of the negotiations now taking place in Paris. Democratic presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey


Mr. Roy Wilkins said "I definitely think we're on our way to a national commitment" to full social justice for Negro Americans.


The second imperative of our policy for peace is that we must meet our commitments and keep our promises to use our strength to oppose aggression. President Johnson (我們的和平政策的第二條誡命,就是我們必須盡我們的義務,守我們的諾言,竭盡所能,反抗侵略。)

Vietnam may be a bitter hoax or it maybe a major commitment in the defense of freedom, but it will not go away because we yell "foul", it will not fade because we blow retreat. Republican vice presidential nominee Agnew


The report sad that new commitments of US $50.7 million during fiscal year 1968 raised total investments of the International Finance CorporationI.F.C'sin private enterprises in its member countries to US $271.8 million in 39 countries.

(一九六八會計年度新的投資計有五千零七十萬美元,使得國際金融公司在其會員國的私人企業(yè)中的總投資額,三十九個國家共達二億七千一百八十萬美元。)又 IFC's commitment consists of a 12-year loan of U.S. $2.45 million and a share subscription of U.S. $1.01 million(國際金融公司的投資包括為期十二年的二百四十五萬美元的借款,及加入一百零一萬美元的股金。)交付的資金,故譯為“投資”。

The Japanese have faithfully observed their surrender commitments.


其他如 an all-out commitment(全面的約束),to give a precipitate commitment(給以輕率的言約),the commitment of a petition for consideration and report(請愿書交給委員會去審查并作出報告)。


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