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Armed with a camera, the blind capture their world

By Johanna Yueh
China.org.cn staff reporter

Sun Zhiyuan, a host and editor for One Plus One's radio program, takes a self-portrait. 一加一網絡電臺主持人兼編輯,孫致遠正在為自己拍攝。

Sun Zhiyuan, a host and editor for One Plus One's radio program, takes a self-portrait.

It's an almost counterintuitive question: Can the physically disabled become artists? The answer depends, to a certain extent, on how one defines art. As the expression of one's personal interpretation of the world around him, art can be created by just about anyone. And, after all, if Beethoven could produce musical masterpieces without hearing them, surely the visually impaired staff of Beijing One Plus One Cultural Exchange Center can become photographers. 


And so they did. One Plus One, an organization run by people with disabilities that aims to provide media outlets and support for the disabled, teamed up in May with the international group PhotoVoice to train eight of its staff to use photography as a way to communicate their experiences of the world around them. After a week's worth of workshops, during which they learned photography techniques and partook of trust-building activities, participants were unleashed into Beijing – sometimes with a partner and other times alone – to record moments in their lives. The result: Sights Unseen, an exhibit of 16 photos that record everything from lighthearted, everyday debaucheries to windows into more intimate secrets. 


"We think this project is a very good way to communicate between blind people and normal people," said Sun He, One Plus One's marketing and public events coordinator. "We hope this project will influence more people in China, and also help the visually impaired build more confidence and communicate with outsiders more." 


In one of the workshops, staff members discussed the things they wanted to show people about their lives. They also learned how to express their feelings and the visions in their minds. Only two are completely blind, but the workshops trained all of them to rely only on their other senses to take pictures. Sun Zhiyuan, the editor and host of One Plus One's Internet radio program and one of the first two trainees in the program, said he would close his eyes, feel for the location and distance of his subject, and snap the picture while holding the camera to his forehead. For more distant subjects that were out of reach, a partner would snap his fingers to guide Sun in the right direction. 

在一次培訓課上,學員討論了他們希望向人們展現的生活,學習如何表達自己的情感和想象中的視界。盡管有兩名學員完全失去了視力,但是通過培訓,所有學員都可以憑借視覺之外的感覺去拍攝照片。孫致遠是一加一網絡電臺的編輯和主持人,同時也是該項目的最早兩個學員之一。 他說,拍攝時他會閉上眼睛,感覺拍攝對象的位置和距離,然后把照相機舉在前額,按下快門。對于較遠而無法感知的對象,同伴會打響指,把孫引到正確的方向。 

"We all had to put a cover over the screen" of their cameras, Sun said. "Because even us with low vision like to look and see, 'How is it?'" 


After they had taken their pictures, two professional photographers were on hand to offer advice on which shots were better from an artistic viewpoint. But technical merit took a backseat to what the trainees wanted to capture. 


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