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Online Data Banks Put Into Use

"Sustainable Development Information Networking," a project for building online data banks with information on natural resources, environment and disasters, started formal operation in Beijing recently.

The project, which was initiated in 1997, has been jointly supported by the state key projects on science and technology in the ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic Development and Social Progress (1996-2000), administered by the Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21, and joined by 10 ministry-level administrations and institutions.

The networking system, with "www.sdinfo.net.cn" as its central address, links with 14 branches across the country, forming a public information platform with information and data from 122 data banks nationwide.

It provides related information and data to both governments at different levels and the public.

Since it was put into trial use in March 1999, the system has been visited by people from all over the world.

(People's Daily 01/22/2001)

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