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Chinese Spy Allegation Slammed

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi Thursday expressed strong dissatisfaction over a report carried by Washington Times, calling it a "sheer fabrication out of ulterior motives."

The report alleged that China, since early 1990s, has begun to send spies to the United States to steal the most up-to-date sensitive intelligence.

When asked to comment on the report, Sun said "it must be pointed out that there are always some people in the US who cling to the Cold War mentality and have prejudice of and hostility against China.

"The rumors fabricated by them for many years have collapsed in face of facts."

However, unwilling to concede their own failures, they are now once again concocting new rumors and launching groundless attacks against China in an attempt to damage China's image and sabotage the China-US relations, Sun said, adding that "Their attempt is both deplorable and doomed."

The improvement and development of China-US relations, which is inevitable, conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, the spokesman said.

"We demand those who have plotted the so-called China Spy Case see clearly the trend of the history and immediately stop their despicable acts of wantonly attacking China," Sun said.

(Xinhua 11/16/2000)

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