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Political Will to Strengthen UN Peacekeeping Urged

China stressed in UN on November 13 that the strengthening of UN peacekeeping operations needed the political will of all the UN member states.

Addressing the Security Council after it adopted a resolution on strengthening the peacekeeping operations, Chinese Permanent Representative to the U.N. Wang Yingfan said the adoption of the resolution demonstrated that the Security Council has reached consensus on the strengthening of the peacekeeping operations.

The adoption of the resolution was an important first step for the strengthening of the UN peacekeeping operations and had laid down the foundation for the next step of the action from the Security Council, Wang said.

However, the success of UN peacekeeping operations depended on whether the UN member states are willing to show political commitment and provide sufficient and dependable resources and support, he said.

Otherwise, the strengthening of UN peacekeeping operations would ultimately be no different as empty talks, he said

The strengthening of UN peacekeeping operations was a process and there were still many questions calling for further explorations, and not all the questions could be solved by one or two or several documents, Wang noted.

China was willing to continue to make its efforts for the strengthening of UN peacekeeping operations, he added.

The Security Council Monday morning unanimously adopted a resolution reaffirming its determination to strengthening UN peacekeeping operations. The move came after the Security Council considered a report by a UN panel on peacekeeping operations.

Chaired by Lakhdar Brahimi, a former Algerian foreign minister, the panel submitted to the council in August a report on strengthening the peacekeeping operations.

In the report, the panel recommended extensive restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, a new information and strategic analysis unit to serve all United Nations agencies concerned with peace and security, an integrated task force at the headquarters to plan and support each peacekeeping mission from its inception and more systematic use of information technology.

(People’s Daily 11/14/2000)

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