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Tianjin Cracks Down on Illegal Internet Bars

Four Internet bars without legal registration were closed Wednesday by relevant administrative departments in this north China port city.

Thirty computers used for illegal Internet services were confiscated by relevant administrations in the city's first-ever sifting of Internet service operation.

Inspectors found pornographic contents in the four bars. Information related to the banned Falun Gong cult was also spotted in one of them.

The obsession with surfing the net, especially for teenagers, has become an increasingly serious problem in China.

Information related to pornography, violence, gambling and superstition have greatly endangered the psychological health of young people and social stability.

Chinese government stipulations only allow Internet bars to be open to youngsters under the age of 18 from 8 am to 9 pm on holidays and weekends.

However, young people were packed in the four illegal bars at 3 pm on Wednesday when the inspection was conducted.

Two girls in one of the bars admitted that they are 17 years old.

Sources said that the Tianjin Municipal Government will close illegal Internet bars and supervise the operation of some 950 legally registered ones.

(People's Daily 04/19/2001)

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