
FM Spokesman on UN Rejection of Taiwan's Motion

A Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman said Saturday that the United Nations' rejection of a motion on so-called Taiwan's "participation" in the UN once again shows the resolute position of the vast majority of UN members.

Spokesman Zhu Bangzao said that in the early hours of September 15, Beijing time, the General Committee of the 56th Session of the U.N. General Assembly once again rejected the motion tabled by Gambia and a few other countries, which called for the inclusion of the so-called question of Taiwan's "participation" in the UN in the agenda of the current session of the UN General Assembly. This once again fully reflected the resolute position of the vast majority of UN members to uphold the authority of the UN Charter and UN Resolution 2758 and adhere to the "one China" principle, he said.

Zhu said that this year the Taiwan authorities have tried every means to promote the motion on Taiwan's "participation" in the United Nations. However, they once again end in failure.

Facts have proven time and again any attempt to go against the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the will of the vast number of UN members is futile and against the will of the people, Zhu said.

The Taiwan authorities' attempt to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" in the UN is doomed to failure, the spokesman said.

( 09/16/2001)

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