
Male Reproductive Health Needs More Attention

Experts in andrology are calling families to pay more attention to men's reproductive health.

"In contrast to the situation where great importance is attached to women's health, men's health is always neglected by both men and their families," said Zhu Jichuan, an expert with the Chinese Society of Andrology.

Zhu spoke yesterday in Beijing at a news conference about the First Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology, which will be held from October 17 to 21 next year in Shanghai.

The death rate for men is higher than that for women worldwide, and the average life span of men is six to eight years shorter than that of women, according to Zhu.

Wang Yixin, chairman of the Shanghai Society of Andrology, said over 18 percent of men in Shanghai suffer from prostatitis.

Zhu said it is important to upgrade the health status of men in every period of life, from adolescence to agedness.

Qian Shaozhen, chairman of the Asian Society of Andrology, said next year's forum will include talks on fields like reproductive physiology, traditional medicine, sexual psychology and virile diseases.

The organization committee, chaired by Qian, has invited well known andrologists from around the world to participate in the forum.

Exhibitions of medicines, technologies as well as facilities in andrology will also be on display during the forum.

Men's health has gradually gained more attention in China as people have become more health conscious.

(China Daily November 29, 2001)

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