
Book on China’s Future Development Launched

A book titled “China’s Century: The Awakening of The Next Economic Powerhouse” was made available to the public recently.

Organized by the Information Office of the State Council, the book was published in English by American publisher John Wiley & Sons and in Chinese by China Intercontinental Press.

Premier Zhu Rongji met with the foreign authors of the book before the launching ceremony, extending his congratulation on the publication of the book.

The book, containing articles by high-ranking Chinese officials, foreign diplomats to China and world-renowned entrepreneurs, presents to the world the current situation and future potential of China’s economic and social development.

It consists of eight parts featuring China’s economy and reform, international relations, investment and trade, industry and commerce, government and law, banking and finance, technology and Internet, media and communications.

Zhao Qizheng, minister in charge of the Information Office of the State Council, spoke during the book’s launching ceremony.

(People’s Daily 03/16/2001)

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