
Chinese Official Attacks Japanese Cartoon Book

A Taiwan affairs official said in Beijing Friday that all the Chinese people around the world will strongly condemn the recent political cartoon book with Taiwan as its theme written by Japanese right-wing author Yoshinori Kobayashi.

Sun Yafu, assistant to the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office under the State Council, told a press conference that the book wantonly distorts history, and defends Japanese militarism and its colonial rule over Taiwan.

The official said that the book and its contributors have revealed stepped-up collusion between the forces for Taiwan “independence” in Taiwan and Japanese militarists in their fresh attempt to alienate Taiwan from China.

He said that the Japanese militarists committed countless crimes against the people of Taiwan during their 50-year colonial rule, and any attempts to distort that history will be condemned by the entire Chinese people, including those of Taiwan.

(Xinhua 03/16/2001)

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