
Chinese FM Holds Talks With Powell

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said in Beijing Saturday that China intends to, with joint efforts of the US side, build a constructive cooperative relationship between the two countries.

Tang made the remark in talks with visiting US Secretary of State Colin Powell in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Both exchanged views extensively and in great depth on bilateral relations and other issues of common concern.

The two countries are facing important opportunities as well as challenges in developing bilateral relations, Tang said, noting that Chinese President Jiang Zemin and US President George W. Bush will meet in Shanghai in autumn this year, and President Bush will also visit China afterwards.

These events will be of important significance to the future trends of Sino-US relations development in the new century, Tang said.

He expressed the hope that both sides should enhance mutual understanding and trust, promote exchanges and cooperation for the preparation of the summit meeting and ensuing visit of President Bush and for the ultimate goal of the development of bilateral relations.

Tang pointed out that the Chinese leaders have been viewing and handling the Sino-US relations from a strategic height and in a long-term perspective, and the Chinese side intends to, with joint efforts of the US side, build a constructive cooperative relationship between the two countries.

Such a goal is realistic, and is in the interest of both countries and conducive to peace and prosperity of the world, Tang said.

Although the two countries have differences of various kinds, they have extensive and important common interests, the Chinese foreign minister stressed, adding that both countries enjoy broad prospects in expanding exchanges and cooperation, both sides should view bilateral relations in a comprehensive perspective, maintain and promote their common interests and handle their differences carefully and appropriately.

Powell said he is here with the good will of promoting the friendly bilateral ties, and President Bush is also looking forward to the China tour scheduled for this autumn, ready to conduct bilateral dialogues and cooperation with a positive attitude.

Compared with what he saw during his last visit in 1983, Beijing has undergone tremendous changes, with vigor and vitality permeating in the air, he said.

Recently, the US-China relations have seen positive advancement, with cooperation in various spheres, especially in economy and trade, developing in good direction, he said, pledging the willingness of the US to promote China's early entry into the World Trade Organization.

The United States seeks no enmity with China but hopes to maintain good ties with it, he said, adding as two great nations, they should safeguard mutual interests and resolve disputes.

Tang pointed out that the Taiwan issue is always the most important and most sensitive core question in the Sino-US relations, and the proper handling of the issue is the key to the smooth development of the bilateral ties.

Ever since Bush took presidency, his administration has reiterated once and again that it will adhere to the one-China principle, abide by the three Sino-US joint communiques, and not support the Taiwan independence force, and China attaches great importance to this, said Tang.

The fulfillment of its commitments through concrete actions by the US is of utter importance for the development of the Sino-US relations and the cross-Strait ties.

Powell said the Bush administration, just like previous US governments, will abide by the one-China policy, and handle the Taiwan issue on the basis of the principles of the three US-China joint communiques. The US side hopes the exchanges across the Taiwan Straits will make a positive progress.

The two sides also exchanged views on China's accession to the WTO, the human rights, nonproliferation, energy, environmental protection, and other international and regional issues concerned.

The two sides described the meeting as "very positive and constructive," and held that the two countries should take the opportunity to jointly develop a constructive cooperative relationship.

The two sides agreed on the following issues:

-- The two will hold the 14th Sino-US Joint Economic Committee (JEC) meeting this September, and the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) meeting at proper time this year;

-- The two sides agreed in principle to hold a special meeting on enhancing consultation mechanism on military maritime safety;

-- The two sides agreed in principle to resume the dialogue on human rights between China and the US, and details will be discussed through diplomatic channels; and

-- The two sides agreed in principle to hold an expert consultation on nonproliferation, and details will be discussed through diplomatic channels.

(Xinhua News Agency 07/28/2001)

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