
Chinese FM Spokesman on Taiwan's Failed UN Bid

Taiwan's abortive bid to "participate in the United Nations" again demonstrates that no matter how many different tricks Taiwan authorities use, their attempts to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" at the United Nations are futile and unpopular, and they cannot change their failed fate.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi said in Beijing Friday that the United Nations General Committee decided Thursday night not to table the issue of "Taiwan's participation in the United Nations" at the 55th Session of the General Assembly.

"It fully reflects the stance of a vast majority of the UN member states on safeguarding the purpose and principles of the UN Charter and Resolution No. 2758 of the UN General Assembly as well as firmly adhering to the one-China principle," he said.

This is the eighth consecutive year that the General Committee has turned down requests from some countries, most of them in Africa and Latin America, for UN consideration on the issue.


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