
China Condemns All Forms of Terrorism

China Wednesday said that Beijing has always condemned acts of terrorism in all their forms and manifestations, and called on the UN Security Council to avoid or minimize the use of sanction in handling individual cases of international terrorism.

The statement was contained in the speech delivered by Wang Yingfan, Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, at the open council session on international terrorism on Wednesday, December 6.

"The Chinese government has always opposed to and condemned all forms and all manifestations of acts of terrorism and opposed to the acts of terrorism by any state, organization, group, or any individual, regardless of their motivation," Wang said.

"Acts of terrorism is a very big danger and threat affecting international peace and security," he said, adding that with the use of high technology, the transnational terrorist activities are becoming more and more dangerous in the world.

On the UN anti-terrorist efforts, Wang said, "We would like to express our appreciation of the progress made by the United Nations over the past decade in promoting international cooperation and formulating legal measures in the anti-terrorism field."

Resolution 1269 adopted by the Security Council last year "has already become the very important guideline for the council to handle the problem of international terrorism," he said.

In the resolution, the 15-nation council unequivocally condemned "all acts, methods and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, in all their forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomever committed."

"On the other hand, we also believe that in handling individual cases of international terrorism, the Security Council should take steps to avoid or minimize the use of sanction because sometimes sanction cannot effectively solve the problems, and it will bring about serious humanitarian consequences," he said.

"China has always acceded to all international anti-terrorist conventions which are in force," he said. "The cooperation between China and other countries in combating terrorist activities is being increasingly enhanced."

In July, China, Tajikistan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan vowed to fight against international terrorism in the region.

The five countries, at the annual "Shanghai Five" summit in the Tajikistan capital of Dushanbe, said in a joint statement that every member of the "Shanghai Five" will by no means allow activities on its own territory that may undermine the sovereignty, security and social order of any other country of the region.

"We are convinced that this regional mechanism of international cooperation will play a very positive role in combating international terrorism," Wang added.

(People’s Daily 12/07/2000)

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