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kuldeep narain, kuldeep@saxena.com
It is just an unfortunate accident. Big issue is being made because of the plaers involved. In any case Americans must explain as to how the aircraft collided when there are very clear international sign language to be followed when an aircraft is being asked to follow instructions from a fighter intercept.

tangxiaoqing, tangxiaococo@yahoo.com.cn
I think Bush is look down upon our chinese, it will be make a deterioration to sino-relationship. Admittedly, we are really too weak at this moment, we should ask some other things besides refund,and USA really violate human right often.Do not be weak, let us see what kind of regret Bush gave ,it is so reluctant.

Melina, melijack@hotmail.com
I deplore racism of any kind but reading the comments on these pages leaves me incredulous at the Chinese capacity for self-delusion. Many writers almost admit that the facts of this case are of little if any relevance - the most important thing is 'face', which I think is probably best defined as 'vanity'. You are absolutely terrified by the prospect of admitting your pilot made a mistake and tragically paid for it with his life. These 'spy' missions have been going on for 50 years and are an essential part of the peace process, yet you all react as though someone has been peeking at you taking a shower. Maturity please, and reason.

guoge, g_sm2000@yahoo.com.cn
After cold war, the USSR was disintegrated,and America became a only superpower in the world. Since the founding of New china,America has been interfering with china interior affairs,provoking and making conflict in our country's coast and air. This plane collision issue resulted in our plane crashing and pilot's lossing lify,and caused a great deal of damage to china. Now, five more US spy planes appeared off our coast to carry out a surveillance mission.In my opinion, the PLA should hit it. Let him know China is not Irqi.

Melina, melijack@hotmail.com
For Helen:

Thank you for your reply - it exactly proves my point. This should be a case of establishing the facts about the accident. The rights and wrongs of surveillance (or 'spying', if you prefer) are a different issue. China spies on the US and other countries just as avidly - I don't want to judge you but I have a strong feeling you wouldn't condemn your own country's intelligence gathering activities as readily as you condemn those of others.

However, the main point remains - clarity! Please consider the following points:

1. The Beijing government have admitted that the US plane was not in Chinese airspace when the accident occurred, nor did it enter Chinese airspace until after the MayDay signal.

2. The probability of the US pilot deliberately ramming a Chinese fighter while near to Chinese territory is almost zero, especially with a crew of 23 on board and while flying a sub-sonic propellor plane.

3. The Chinese Ministry of Information supressed news that the US offered three military ships to help find the missing pilot within hours of the accident. This has served government purposes very well by inflaming Chinese opinion without providing all the available relevant information.

Your respectfully


YANG YONG, EverestYang@21cn.com
I think our government should be patient and due to the western people got less time to improve as advencement as most Chinese are. For such an accident, I have found some problem: firstly, our pilot should be trained as skillful as our country can; secondly, US government used to show their power anywhere they can appearing; thirdly, we are not strong enough to fight with US association and must pay the cost out for our under development. This is the role for the life-cycle universal. And also, now Chinese people should understand that there is no such a West God could save and protect the eastern people. The government should, and the people the civilian should, to strengthen our government, stop the corruption, to smooth and regulate our production system, to develope our education and science technology, to empower our whour country. Otherwize, country should be more like a country, there is no way to keep our dignity as a central empery. It it time to think about our own country, our own mortherland, our own government, our own competitivety. USA is a monster and there is no a competitor so far could intimidate to its profit so far.

Helen, Han, xiaomei1978@fm365.com
Hi, Melina, and thank you for your reply, it can also prove how arrogant you American people are!!! Arrogance leads you to a biased view!!!

You will never admit your wrong doings just like little kids. I have said that spying happens everwhere, but remember, this time, your spies have been caught by us, being caught on the spot!!! Aha, how embarrassing it is for your Americans, I can understand!!!!

Moreover, please also notice the following, which is also the truth:

(1) It was in the so-called international airspace, but it is within exclusive economical zone, what your military spy plane come here for!!! Use your reason, stop your arrogance!!!

(2) You said that it is almost impossible for the US spy plane to intentionally bump the Chinese military jet.So what your version of the story? You believe the US media's report that our jet chased your plane and risking the lives on board?? You think it's true? If we want to get down your plane,why don't we use the weapons, is shot down a more effective and safe way to do that? Remember, it is our pilot who most probably lost his life, while the 24 US spies safe and comfortably treated by our Chinese with our traditional hospitality.

(3) You said the Chinese Ministry of Information supressed news that the US offered three military ships to help find the missing pilot within hours of the accident. But how can you be so sure that what you have read on American media is nothing but the truth?? It is also biased, since nobody in this world can be absolutely objective, especially when the issue involves the interests, dignity, pride, feeling, and whatsoever of his own country and his fellow country man!!!

DDT, diditiddt@sina.com.cn
It is naive, silly to expect American saying sorry. China has law, the accident could be easily solved in China. Things happend in China, whole of the domestic laws in China suit for the case. Chinese govenment should not interrupt the judicatory investigation. According to domestic law of China, the crew must be sentenced into jail for 5 to 10 years. If the law is justice, President Jiang even should not change the sentence. Sorry and apology do not work in criminal case. No sufferer expects a criminal say sorry in the world, because it was too late to be accepted.

Tom To, tomto@jps.net
The current U.S. administration is either ill-informed, uninformed or misinformed. It is behind time. It is self-serving and not acting in the best interest of the American people, nor is it acting in the interest of world peace and progress. In fact, its behavior is extremely dangerous to world peace and the human right of other countries. Within the last three months, we have seen an expression of 'unbelievable' from many countries in the world including Euorpe, on the attitude and arrogance of the U.S. administration. If these reports about the spy planes are correct, it further confirms the stone-age mentality of this administration. Besides power and confrontation, whatelse is in the mind of the leaders in Washington. Bush must grow up quickly and acquire some international maturity. There are more than five billion human beings in this world and Bush should know he is only one of them. There are hundreds of countries in the world with different values, cultures,

beliefs and systems, U.S. is only one of them. Bush and his administration must turn around from his reckless, unchristian and irresponsible behavior before he bankcrupts the respect of the Americans. He must learn how to respect others and their human rights if his parents have not taught him in his younger days. There are five billion people cherish this world. Bush should not blow it up just because he can. I don't think he wants to be remembered as Hitler the Second. Does he?

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