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Sliman, sliman@yahoo.com
Who is going to compensate China for the lost jet? The US? If they are so keen on keeping their flying asset, they should not be flying so close to the Chinese Coast! And if they have friendly intention, they should not be sending their Air-craft Carrier, the Kitty Hawk, to enforce their spying activities near the Chinese Coast. It goes without saying with their crude and rude behaviour even before the April 18th meeting ever started, they have no intention to solve the problem peacefully. Therefore the only solution is to sent the Chinese Navy to shadow their Air-Craft Carrier task force and be prepared for all eventuality! The answer to the above question is, 'Don't return the Aircraft unless the US learn how to behave properly!'They can beat their collective chests for all I care, their plane is in China territory conducting unfriendly activities that endanger Chinese life and property.

roger, roger@yahoo.com

Dear editors

I personally think China has every reason to keep this spy plane. The so-called letter of regrets, you know, shows simply no sincere apology at all. A formal apology is what China demands and deserves, but the US has so far not offered. As for future spy flight along the chinese coast, it's up to the US to decide since it is capable of doing so. Actually, I think, surveillance flight is necessary for all countries, only if they have the ability to do so. There is no reason to condemn China if it sends its plane on reconnaissance flights along the US coast, say Florida. The question is, China is unable to carry out such a mission.

beyond, qzbeyond@21cn.com

In my opinion,China should not return the EP-3,peking has the right to deal whih the plane,furthermore,it is a treasure to PLA;on the other hand,US will not stop the reconnaissance,so China should not do anything but protesting,it is in vain,I believe that many chinese people will disgraceful,China's action always disappoint us,to top it all,it isn't the reactions for a big country!!

China, AAAChina@hotmail.com
If the U.S. doesn't stop sending those plans, one day there will be another "accident", quite possibly another "landing", the Chinese should make sure resolute action be taken. The Americans should be treated the way they treat others.

Richard, richardemail@sina.com
How about chinese nation that is said to be brave?

Should we face straight the situation that being unfair to our chinese people?

What I could say is:

Chinese people including her army will never be fear of meeting U.S. It is the time letting the world to know how brave nation the chinese people are!

Aquiles A. Reyes, El Che1967@aol.com
The United States should not re-start the flying of their spy aircrafts over China's controlled airspace. The only purpose for this flights is to gather information for the benefit of the American imperialists. And this should not be tolerated by China or any other nation in the globe. The lives of many North American can and will be at risk should this flights continue.

khoo gim sun, gimson@pd.jaring.my
First of all, US is wrong to sent spy planes close to China coast. It clearly shows mistrust and lack of respect. I am of the opinion that the spy plane should not be return to US to serve US as a reminder not to mind others' business. while this may further strains relations, it must be negotiated on a win win basis.

michael leon, acacia_arcadia@hotmail.com
I firmly believe U.S. is the culprit of the whole incident and the Bush administration must apologize to the chinese people. moreover, I am very indignant about the irresponsible, supercilious and provocative attitude characterized by dubya GWB's initial virulent and ignorant remarks.U.S.has masterminded and engineered a hell lot of conspiracies plotted against PRC, as they normally do, they place their ultimate interests over and above any other country and people under covert pretense to justify their astronomical military budget and expand their supreme power, they've been playing filthy tricks, they picked out an enemy, pit this country against others, and libel them badly, then get themselves involved assuming the identity of a savior, yapping "I'm protecting the freedom and prosperity of the world". U.S. harbors all the subversive elements which might contribute to the instability and retrogression of PRC. evidently, U.S. is scared of the upcoming of a strong and prosperous china, which it deems will definitely undermine its omnipresent control over the world, so U.S. has been frantically racking its brain to frame PRC and work its shit out to smear PRC, furthermore, overtly attempt to sap its progress. never in the history of human soceity has a country behaved like U.S., which itself is a licensed rogue and unscrupulous country. U.S. is pulling all stops to keep the development of PRC in check, nonetheless, it is doomed to fail. Though now it is the only existent superpower in the globe, who knows in the future China won't catch up with it, and retribution will be done, by then, Americans will stew in its own juice. bear in mind, time and tide will change sooner or later, no one is preordained to oppress and dominate others for ever.

lincolnwu, lincolnwu@china.com
China should not return the US plane. the US Should stop sending spy planes on frequent reconnaissance flights close to China's coast. we chinese people ought to stand together against us hegemony. Provided we are always afraid of affecting sino-us relations and appear flabby on such affairs,no people in the world will really respect us.

Li xiao Hua, lovechinese@hotmail.com
US is trying to get the plane, but please do not return the plane to the evil people.

We treat the us crew well in Hai Nan Island, but what they said to the US media !

If china back up, the US will step on the chinese people. The america logic is American is No. 1.

Do fear about US will sale hightech weapon to TaiWan. If they really want, they will sell

anyway and it doesn't matter if the chinese return the plane or not. That's what American are.

Good Luck China

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