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600,000 Beijing Residents Learning English

Some 600,000 residents in China's capital are learning English in all forms, according to Beijing Mayor Liu Qi.

Local people have been conducting the English-learning program since the beginning of last year in support of Beijing's bid for the holding of 2008 Olympic Games.

More and more people, from government officials, taxi drivers, shop assistants to senior female neighborhood committee workers regard it as an honor to be able to speak a little English. They hope their efforts can help Beijing win the bid.

In order to improve people's English, the Beijing TV Station has been running an educational program on how to learn English. Also, Beijing Radio and Beijing Foreign Studies University have jointly produced two educational programs, "100 English Sentences for Beijingers" and "300 English Sentences for Beijingers", which are broadcast on three radio frequencies four times every day.

These programs have evoked wide repercussions in Beijing. Many people have bought the teaching materials and have been listening to and watching the programs, and taking an active part in the hotline live programs.

Some work units are organizing their employees to learn together, and some schools invite teachers to give English lessons to nearby residents. English learning has become a major component of Beijingers' spare-time cultural life.

Now the ratio of Beijingers with a fairly good knowledge of English is 15 percent. The Beijing Municipal Government wishes to increase the ratio substantially by encouraging more residents to learn and speak English.

(People's Daily 04/02/2001)

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