
Political solution to Syrian crisis at critical stage

Xinhua, June 5, 2012

Chinese UN Ambassador Li Baodong, who holds the rotating Security Council presidency in June, told reporters?on Monday that the political solution to the crisis in Syria is now at a critical stage.

Chinese UN Ambassador Li Baodong, who holds the rotating Security Council presidency in June, speaks with reporters on Monday that the political solution to the crisis in Syria is now at a critical stage. [Xinhua]

Chinese UN Ambassador Li Baodong, who holds the rotating Security Council presidency in June,?speaks with?reporters on Monday that the political solution to the crisis in Syria is now at a critical stage.?[Xinhua]

The statements came as Li was briefing the press on the program of work of the Security Council in June.

"We are faced with two prospects," said Li. "One is bright prospect where all parties in Syria immediately realize full ceasefire and stop of violence, launch inclusive political process and let the Syrian people decide the future of their own country."

"The other is black prospect where conflicts have been increasing. The confrontation between villages and villages, tribes and tribes, cities and cities keep deepening, heavily affecting the neighboring countries and peace and stability in the Middle East region at large," he said.

"How to choose from the two prospects, the answer is obvious," Li said.

The ambassador noted that in order to realize the bright prospect, parties concerned should focus on three things.

Firstly, giving full support and cooperation to the mediation efforts of Kofi Annan, the UN and Arab League joint special envoy for Syria, as the main channel to the political solution to the Syrian crisis. Any words or actions against Annan's mediation should be firmly opposed.

Annan had proposed a six-point plan to solve Syrian crisis, which has been widely backed by the international community and accepted by the Syrian government, calls for the withdrawal of heavy weapons and troops from population centers, a daily halt in fighting for the delivery of humanitarian aid and treatment for the wounded, as well as talks between the government and opposition.

Secondly, supporting the work of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), making sure it implements the mandate authorized by the Security Council.

Thirdly, urging the Syrian government and the opposition to immediately and fully implement Annan's six-point plan under the principle of objectivity, fairness and balance, abandon all forms of violence and start political process as soon as possible.

Concerning the Houla incident, Li pointed out that China strongly condemns the incident, demands thorough investigation and brings the accountable to justice.

The incident highlighted the importance of urgent need for full ceasefire and an end to violence in Syria as well as implementation of Annan's plan. "At this difficult moment, the international community should enhance confidence, continue to support Annan's mediation efforts," Li said. "If we hesitate and flinch at this problem, violence would go forward, which will lead to more difficulties faced with the Syrian people."

Li also told reporters that the Security Council has a very tight schedule in June, which involves nearly 30 agenda items including issues of Syria, Sudan and South Sudan, Guinea Bissau, Afghanistan, the Middle East and so on.